happy young women with purple flowers in her haid and purple sunglasses and a lavender background

I Challenge You to Be a Difference Maker

I want to make a difference in the world. You probably do too! So I challenge you to be a difference maker with me! Choosing exactly how you want to become a difference maker is a wonderful personal development activity! Making a difference in our world is also an important component of developing a balanced life!

This is going to be a quick read because we are ALL made to make a difference in our world and we have important work to do out there in our community, in our big wide world, or among our people — you can be a difference maker in so many ways!

happy young women with purple flowers in her haid and purple sunglasses and a lavender background

Definition of Difference Maker

What is a difference maker? The simple answer is someone who improves the lives of others.

But since we’re ALL here to make a difference, let’s make sure you understand the role you play.

People have leadership roles in work, business, families, and most networks of people anywhere. They do big things that result in change and positive results.

But what about the little things that you do everyday? The obstacles you overcome. The people you inspire just by being nice. Or the times when you just smile at someone who walks by. You become the living definition of a difference maker!

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, you have the potential to be a difference maker to someone… anyone… or the world!

Difference makers are everywhere. Dare to make a difference!

happy baby girl with big pink and white hat made of roses and crochet on a pink background and blanket

I Want to Do Something That Makes a Difference

Truth be told, I was inspired to write this article by a song. The lyrics speak volumes to me about the way I want to live my life.

No, it’s not the Difference Maker lyrics by NEEDTOBREATHE. I know some of you may have thought that.

When I think of difference makers, I think of people who are represented in the song, “Be Nice” by Black Eyed Peas!

Difference making looks like many of these behaviors and thoughts that are mentioned in the song:*

  • Be nice.
  • Just SMILE. I promise it’ll change your life.
  • Be different.
  • Turn my vibration around so I can feel fantastic.
  • I do not want negative energy.
  • If you get what you give, give me positivity.
  • The love you give is the love you get.
  • Be nice and change your life.
  • Slip into brighter days.
  • Fight for each other, not one another.
  • When we talk, be nice to each other.
  • Be cordial, be glad, be happy not sad.
  • Mi casa, su casa.
  • Love that we’re giving keeps rollin’ on.
  • I got a new direction.
  • Talking to myself in the mirror, telling me to cheer up.
  • Just wanna be happy!

What do these words ALL have in common??

The words that come to my mind are positivity, happiness, kindness, confidence, love, mindset, attitude, personal development, self love… I’m sure you can think of other words that are reflected in these song lyrics.

These are such simple words, right? If we all just lived according to these song lyrics, wouldn’t we be making a wonderful difference in our world?

I think we’d be making a BIG DIFFERENCE!

beautilful young woman smiling looking down in a dreamy manner

Be a Difference Maker, My Friend

The author, John C. Maxwell, wrote a book called The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset. There are even places on the Internet where you can find a summary of the book for a shorter read.

In fact, there are many books out there with similar messages about attitude and mindset. I even mention some of them in my article, Hard Working Women: Books, Blogs, and Boss Babes.

Listen to “Be Nice” by the Black Eyed Peas on REPEAT for days on end (like I do) and I’m sure you’ll want to be a difference maker, too!

If you have any doubt about the difference maker definition at this point, just keep listening to the song for inspiration and check out some online resources. You can also leave me your thoughts or questions in the comments.

So what are you going to do today (and everyday) to be a difference maker, my friend?

I Am A Difference Maker

Here’s a thought for you to ponder: I think a difference maker synonym might be “influencer.”

Are you an influencer? Do you have influence on others? Ask yourself: Are you a positive influence or a negative influence on others?

After listening to “Be Nice” (five thousand times, at least) I have decided these are the little things I am going to do consistently to be a difference maker:



? SHARE my words, thoughts, possessions, and actions.

? Promote positive attitudes.

? Keep writing about mindset, love, and happiness.

? Show gratitude.

? Celebrate LIFE.

? Respect ALL people.

? Empower and inspire others with encouragement and collaboration.

? Keep listening to “Be Nice” as a constant reminder that we are ALL here to make a difference!

? Keep challenging those around me to make a difference somehow… someplace… and to someone!

young woman in big heart shaped sunglasses and long dangling earrings looks flirtyand eats an ice cream cone

Final Thoughts

I said this is going to be a short article so we can get down to business with this challenge.

So I’ll leave you with this thought:

Go about your life with the knowledge that YOU were made to be a difference maker. You may make a difference by doing BIG things or LITTLE things… with your words and/or actions… but as you go through life everyday and make choices about your words and actions, ask yourself DOES IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE?

If you would like to be a difference maker and help eliminate BULLYING in our society, check out my articles about anti-bullying policies in schools and adult bullying. This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart — and YOU can help change things!

Comment below what you are going to do to be a difference maker!

Love to All! ~Susan

*Songwriters: Adam Friedman / Anish Sood / Ester Dean / William Adams / Calvin Broadus / Keith Harris / Lance Tolbert / Martijn Konijnenburg / Ryan Merchant / Ryan Tedder / Shane McAnally

How Are You Going to be a Difference Maker?

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