cat on couch with book

15 Things Cats Wish Their Owners Did More Often

Cats are independent creatures, but they also uniquely crave attention, comfort, and care. While they may not always show it, certain things genuinely make them happy.

From playtime to cozy spots and quiet companionship, cats have their preferences—and when their needs are met, they thrive. If you’re a cat parent, here are 15 things your feline friend likely wishes you’d do more often to keep them happy and healthy.

Give Them More Playtime

woman playing with kitten
Image Credits: Depositphotos/VitalikRadko.

Cats love to play, and regular play sessions help them stay mentally and physically fit. Wand toys, balls, or even a crumpled piece of paper can bring them joy and excitement. Interactive play also strengthens the bond between you and your cat. A few short sessions a day can help prevent boredom and behavior issues. Making time for fun helps your cat stay active and content.

Offer a Variety of Toys

cat with toys
Image Credits: Depositphotos/evajk.

Just like people, cats get bored with the same things. Rotating their toys or introducing new ones now and then keeps things interesting. Some cats love feather toys, while others prefer plush mice or puzzle feeders. Giving your cat a range of toys helps satisfy their hunting instincts. A playful cat is a happy cat, so variety matters.

Provide Window Views

cat sleeping in window
Image Credits: Depositphotos/naskami.

Cats love to sit by the window and watch birds, people, or leaves blowing in the wind. A sunny windowsill is like a movie screen for them. It keeps their minds stimulated and lets them enjoy the world from a safe distance. Adding a cat perch or bed near a window gives them a favorite spot to relax. It’s a simple way to enrich their environment.

Create Cozy Sleeping Spots

cat sleeping on bed
Image Credits: Depositphotos/ maya_shustov.

Cats love warmth and comfort and enjoy having several safe places to nap throughout the day. They’ll appreciate the option, whether it’s a soft blanket on the couch, a cozy cat bed, or even a cardboard box. Having multiple nap spots lets them choose where they feel most secure. A relaxed cat will sleep more peacefully and be more playful when awake. Adding a few comfy spots shows your cat you care.

Pet Them the Way They Like

woman with cat on bed
Image Credits: Depositphotos/serezniy.

Not every cat loves belly rubs or long cuddles, but most enjoy some form of touch—on their terms. Pay attention to your cat’s body language to learn what pets they prefer. Gentle strokes on the head, behind the ears, or under the chin are usually a hit. Respecting their preferences builds trust and comfort. Every cat is different, so listening to their signals makes all the difference.

Talk to Them

woman laying with cat
Image Credits: Depositphotos/AllaSerebrina.

Cats may not understand every word, but they recognize your voice and tone. Talking to your cat helps them feel included and comforted. A gentle, soothing voice can calm them down during stressful times. Whether you’re telling them about your day or just saying hello, they enjoy the sound of your attention. Regular chatter helps deepen your bond.

Brush Their Fur Gently

person brushing cat
Image Credits: Depositphotos/[email protected].

Even short-haired cats benefit from brushing; most long-haired cats need it to avoid mats. Regular brushing removes loose fur, reduces shedding, and even feels like a massage to your cat. Some cats grow to love grooming time if it’s done gently and with patience. It’s also a good chance to check for skin issues or lumps. Turning brushing into a calming routine can strengthen your connection.

Keep Their Litter Box Clean

cat with litter boxing being cleaned
Image Credits: Depositphotos/kibulgakova.

Cats are spotless animals, and they greatly appreciate a fresh litter box. Scooping it at least once daily helps keep smells away and encourages your cat to use it consistently. If it’s dirty, your cat may avoid it and find less desirable places. A clean litter box shows your cat that their space matters. It’s a simple habit that can prevent a lot of problems.

Let Them Climb and Scratch

cat on scratching post
Image Credits: Depositphotos/oov.

Cats love vertical space, and climbing helps them feel safe and stimulated. Providing cat trees, shelves, or safe furniture for climbing gives them the height they crave. Scratching is also essential—it helps them stretch, mark territory, and keep their claws healthy. Give your cat a few sturdy scratching posts or pads around the home. Meeting these natural needs prevents damage to furniture and keeps them happy.

Feed Them on a Schedule

black cat eating
Image Credits: Depositphotos/HASLOO.

Cats thrive on routine, and feeding them simultaneously each day gives them a sense of stability. It helps them feel secure and prevents overeating or begging throughout the day. Measuring portions also supports a healthy weight. A predictable feeding routine shows your cat they can count on you. Consistency is comforting to cats.

Give Them Quiet Time

cat on log
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Puteli.

While cats can be playful and curious, they also need quiet time to feel relaxed and safe. Loud noises or constant activity can stress them out. Having a peaceful spot to retreat to—like a spare room or a quiet corner—helps them recharge. Respecting their need for space shows your cat you understand their boundaries. A calm cat is a happy cat.

Introduce New Scents and Experiences Slowly

cat looking at food
Image Credits: Depositphotos/HayDmitriy.

Cats are susceptible to change, so new smells, people, or objects can be overwhelming. Let your cat adjust at its own pace if you’re bringing in something unfamiliar. Use calming sprays or keep new items in one area at first. Gentle introductions help them stay curious instead of scared. Making changes slowly shows your cat they’re safe.

Give Them Safe Outdoor Time

cat in the grass
Image Credits: Depositphotos/YuliiaHurzhos.

Many cats enjoy exploring the outdoors, but safety is important. A secure catio, leash walks or supervised yard time lets them enjoy nature without the risks. Fresh air and new smells are stimulating and exciting. It also gives them some exercise and variety in their day. If outdoor access isn’t possible, consider bringing in grass or plants they can safely enjoy indoors.

Play with Their Food

cat with food
Image Credits: Depositphotos/FreerLaw.

Cats are natural hunters, and mealtime can be more fun when it involves a challenge. Puzzle feeders, food-dispensing toys, or hiding kibble around the house lets them “hunt” for their food. This adds mental stimulation and prevents boredom. It also slows down fast eaters. Making mealtime fun helps your cat feel more engaged and fulfilled.

Spend Quality Time Together

woman kissing cat
Image Credits: Depositphotos/glazeimage.

Even if your cat is independent, it still enjoys your company. Whether it’s sitting on the couch together, gentle petting, or just being in the same room, your presence is comforting. Regular bonding time builds trust and deepens your connection. You don’t always have to entertain them—just being near is often enough. Making time for your cat helps them feel loved and secure.

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