women spending time alone enjoying a shower and self care time.

21+ Simple Acts of Self Care for Women of All Ages

Practicing self care is a necessity if you want to live a happy, healthy, and balanced life. Therefore, it’s important to take time to prioritize yourself.

You must remember that you are worthy of love, and sometimes the most crucial thing you can do for yourself is practice self-care.

two baskets of self care items and sign that says self care is the new health care

In the chaos of life, it’s easy to put your health and well-being on the back burner when you are busy or stressed, so you let’s look at 21+ simple acts of self care for women.

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Practice Self Care to Feel Better and Live a Happier Life

Self care is the act of looking after one’s own physical, mental, and emotional health. This can be done in many ways, such as eating healthy foods, exercising, getting enough sleep, meditating, and taking time for yourself.

The best self care practices are those that work for you and make your life happier and healthier. You may even want to consider creating a Calm Corner or Emotional Escape Room in your home to have a special place where you can commit to your self care on a regular basis.

Now let’s look at 21+ simple acts of self care for women. If you are in midlife or beyond, these tips are especially important, my friend! 🙂

1. Commit to Acts of Self Care

Commit to acts of self care. It may seem like an overwhelming task for someone who is constantly juggling the obligatory needs of others, but it’s worth committing to.

Acts of self care can be quite simple and easy, such as taking time out during the day to read a book or take a quick nap. But it requires planning, time, and effort in order to show the priority that you place on yourself.

Loving yourself and taking care of yourself is vital to your well-being; it’s important to make doing so a priority in your life. You owe it to yourself and those around you.

Remember that self care is not selfish; it’s actually an act of love.

2. Practice Mindful Breathing

Practice mindful breathing to combat the effects of stress on your body. When you are stressed, your heart rate and blood pressure increase, which can damage your blood vessels.

The best way to keep from becoming overwhelmed is to take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment. Many studies show that mindful breathing exercises can help improve a person’s quality of life and live a happier, healthier life.

Practicing mindful breathing is the quickest, easiest way to improve your mental well-being. When you’re feeling stressed, try taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. Notice how your body feels after.

If you are unable to calm down, find somewhere to go where you can be alone for a while. Try not to change anything about yourself but stay present with what is happening inside of you. When the storm passes, try these steps again!

a woman in a home work space takes a break for a few deep breaths

3. Get Enough Sleep

Many people find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep for the recommended eight hours. The average person needs seven to nine hours of sleep a night, so if you’re getting less than that, here are some tactics you can consider:

1) Stick to a consistent bedtime.
2) Exercise regularly and try relaxing activities before bed.
3) Keep your bedroom cool and dark with fresh air.

Lack of adequate sleep can have a negative impact on a person’s physical and mental health, as well as their productivity. Inadequate sleep leads to a depletion of brain chemicals that regulate wakefulness and appetite, which can cause emotional difficulties such as stress, anxiety, and mood swings.

Those who do not get enough sleep also may be less alert because their bodies are not receiving enough oxygen to the brain.

Related Article: 23 Practical Sleep Tips for Women in Midlife

a woman sleep peacefully as one of her acts of self care

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques

The concept of relaxation has been around for centuries, but it has only recently gained momentum as a topic of interest.

Recent research suggests that practicing relaxation techniques can have a variety of benefits for mental health, including decreased anxiety, reduced stress, and better sleep.

Practicing relaxation techniques is important for people at any age.

The following are just a few relaxation techniques that can help you protect your peace of mind.

  • Find peace in nature by taking a walk, sitting on the front porch, or reading outside.  
  • Try swimming laps in the pool to clear your thoughts of any stress.
  • Take some time out for yourself and write in a journal.
  • Watch your favorite TV show or movie for an hour of easy entertainment.
  • Meditate or do yoga.
  • Find a quiet place to read a book.

Learning to protect your inner peace is an important act of self care.

5. Eat Healthy Foods

Eating healthy foods is important for several reasons, including maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Many people, in order to live healthy lives, avoid the many unhealthy foods in today’s society. These unhealthy foods include soda, ice cream, and sugary cereal. Eating these types of food will not only make you gain weight but will also cause high cholesterol levels and other medical problems.

Other healthier alternatives should be considered such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Cooking meals at home is a healthier alternative to eating out too often, and using fresh ingredients will make your foods taste better and be healthier.

a charcuterie board of healthy foods

6. Be Mindful

A recent poll found that 73% of Americans already follow at least one form of mindfulness. However, in the fast-paced world today, there are many people who are not living in the present moment.

It is important to take time out to be mindful, so you can live in the present moment and appreciate life for all it has to offer.

Mindfulness is present when you are aware of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, surroundings, and self.

The saying “mindfulness” could also be a Westernized way to describe a Buddhist term. It is a state of being that goes beyond the current moment and allows for reflection, having a calm mind, and increased mental clarity.

It has been linked with anxiety reduction as well as improved performance in athletics and academics. With so many benefits, it is no wonder mindfulness has been increasingly incorporated into mainstream culture.

Most of us are constantly distracted by the world around us so we need to really focus on being mindful and present at all times. You need to make it a priority.

Related Article: 12 Benefits of Mindfulness: Mind, Body, and Soul

7. Pamper Yourself

This is not the time to put yourself last on your priority list. Now is the time to turn your attention to you and let go of your worries.

If you’re like most women, you’ve probably heard a lot about the importance of self-care recently. You may be feeling overwhelmed by all the advice out there and unsure of what you should be doing for yourself.

But simply put, it’s important to take time for yourself every once in a while. Your self-care should be something that you are able to do by yourself, whether it is just watching your favorite sitcom, or reading for an hour.

It can also consist of doing something that feels good for you, such as taking a bath, working out, or meditating.
Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves and their lives occasionally.

You also deserve the occasional indulgence. An hour-long massage? A trip to your favorite tea or coffee shop? Make pampering part of your regular self care routine because you deserve it!

a middle aged woman waters her beautiful flower garden as one of her acts of self care

8. Make Time for Hobbies

In order to live a healthy and happy life, it is very important to have a balance between work and personal time. One way to achieve this is by finding a hobby that you enjoy.

Hobbies can be anything from reading, gardening, playing an instrument, or volunteering. A new hobby will help you live a more balanced lifestyle while being active, creative, and giving back to your community.

Hobbies are a great way to relax, take your mind off of work, or just have some fun. They can also be a great exercise in creativity and testing your limits.

It’s important to get into the habit of making time for hobbies—the benefits are worth the effort!

9. Exercise / Move Your body

Moving your body is good for all of us. However, it’s important to pick the right activity that you enjoy in order to maintain a healthy balance between movement and the things you like to do.

Many people think that they do not have time to exercise. This is a misconception because, in reality, people who make the time to work out regularly are less stressed and more productive in their jobs.

There are many benefits to exercise, but a significant benefit is that it reduces the risk of heart disease. Exercise promotes cardiovascular health, reduces blood pressure, increases endurance, boosts energy levels and helps people sleep.

It also reduces the risk of depression and gives people more energy to do their everyday tasks. Research has shown that even short periods of exercise are beneficial for people who are sedentary or have low fitness levels.

a middle aged couple exercises for self care

10. Take a Digital Break

Digital devices are an important part of our lives. It is becoming more common to see people using their phones, tablets, and laptops in almost every aspect of their lives.

However, these devices can be addicting and deplete the time you spend with loved ones or working on projects.

Take a digital break by disconnecting for at least an hour each day. This will help you stay grounded and allow you to spend time with your loved ones.

Many people today seriously need digital breaks to fully take in the outside world. It’s the only way they are able to experience the environment around them more, enjoy the moment they’re in, and live life without distraction or interruption by unimportant notifications.

A regular digital detox can be healthy for your mental health, too. It will help you focus on what’s important in life!

11. Get Outside for a Break

Did you know that staying indoors can have detrimental effects on your mood?

It is important to take time every day to be mindful of your mental health and get outside for a break. It’s a simple act of self care that doesn’t cost anything and can be done almost anywhere.

We’re all feeling the pressure of work and/or school, which can often lead to feelings of exhaustion, stress, and even depression. The best thing you can do for yourself is take some time to relax by getting outdoors.

There are many activities that you can enjoy outdoors like hiking, biking, fishing, skiing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, surfing, or kayaking.

These activities will give your mind a much needed break from the worries of everyday life.

someone pouring water into a glass of water

12. Drink More Water

It’s easy to forget to drink enough water in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives.

It can be difficult to remember to stay hydrated when so many other competing needs are vying for our attention—especially when everything else seems more important.

Drinking plenty of water is not only good for the body, but it also has tons of benefits for skin, hair, weight management, energy levels, immunity, mental performance, and optimal health.

Drinking more water is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. Just do it! Because your body and mind need it!

13. Listen to Music

One of the best ways to relax and decompress after a hectic day is to listen to music. The right music can help you focus on something positive instead of all your other worries and problems.

Music therapy has even been proven as a way to help those with PTSD, anxiety disorders, and chronic pain.

Listening to music can be relaxing, energizing, and even therapeutic. There are no side effects that come with listening to music. Listening to music for just 30 minutes a day can help reduce anxiety levels by up to 68%.

Listening to music also helps improve memory function, boost creativity, and enhance focus. Music can be used for relaxation, but it’s also great for exercise, studying, or work performance.

women listening to music on headphones as one of her acts of self care

14. Spend Time with Animals

Lately there has been a movement to encourage people to spend more time with animals by volunteering at shelters.

If you volunteer at an animal shelter for even one hour a week, it will provide countless hours of mental and emotional therapy for you and the animals.

Animals are very capable of love and companionship. Spending time with animals brings benefits to your life, such as relieving anxiety, boosting self-esteem, and improving mental health.

Make a point of spending quality time with your own pets, if you have them. Or alternatively, make plans to spend time with a neighbor’s pet or a friend’s pet (or at the community shelter).

spending time with animals is a great act of self care

15. Express Your Gratitude

Expressing gratitude for what you have in life is healthy and positive. One great way to develop and maintain gratitude is via a daily journal. Expressing gratitude helps you deal with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Developing an attitude of gratitude can do wonders for your happiness. Even during times when you feel down, expressing gratitude for the “good” things in your life will help elevate your mood.

Maintaining an attitude of gratitude is an important component of practicing self-love and self-care.

16. Spend Time with Friends

Spending time with friends is a great way to relax and take a break. Wining and dining, watching movies, or just chatting about the day’s events can provide an escape from normal life stressors.

Recent research has shown that the more time you spend with friends, the happier you will be. Positive social interactions even have a positive impact on your overall wellness.

Researchers have found that people who spend time with their friends experience depression about 20% less than those who do not have feelings of depression. Furthermore, these same people also report significantly higher levels of happiness.

Many people are stuck in what they call a social media “bubble.” They often don’t make time to connect with their friends in person because they are too busy scrolling through feeds.

The internet has changed the way we live our lives. We now have the opportunity to interact with people who are halfway around the world, but that doesn’t mean that it should replace real friendships.

acts of self care include spending time with friends like these two happy women

17. Say “NO” More Often

It can feel like an impossible task to tell someone no when they ask you to do something. Whether it’s a friend asking for your help with a project, an employer asking you to stay late on the last day of work, or your spouse wanting you to go out with them tonight—it just doesn’t feel right to say no.

Saying yes will make them happy and there are so many reasons why one should never say no! Or at least that’s the way our mothers taught us to think, right?

Telling someone NO when they ask you to do something may be difficult, but it’s necessary sometimes.

It can be awkward, but the most important thing is that you put yourself first. If it’s not a good time for you, then you need to say NO.

Saying NO allows you to protect your time and energy from things that may not be of interest or importance to you. It also sets very important boundaries!

And you DO NOT need to come up with an excuse. A simple NO is perfectly acceptable.

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18. Smile More

Smiles are contagious and give you a sense of happiness. In fact, smiling improves your mood and attitude, and the mood of others around you.

When people see a person smiling at them, they become more friendly towards the other person.

Most people know the simple phrase, “Smile, it’ll make you feel better.” but do they really know where this advice came from? Richard Stephens of Keele University in England is a notable contributor to the study of the benefits of smiling. He believes smiling is beneficial because it stimulates nerve endings that cause endorphins to be released into the bloodstream. Endorphins are natural chemicals that help alleviate pain and can even improve one’s mood.

A recent study found that people who smiled more were not only happier but also healthier. The study also found that people who smiled more often exhibited greater creativity and brain function.

This is because when you smile, blood flow to the brain increases by 20%. Furthermore, it has been proven that smiling helps us feel better in general, since your body releases endorphins in response to smiling.

a middle aged woman sitting outside smiling

19. Try Something New

Why not try something new? Now is the perfect opportunity to explore a new hobby or passion that can be a welcome change of pace from your current lifestyle.

With the relentless pace of our daily lives, it’s important to schedule self care time to explore what’s out there!

Whether it’s trying a new restaurant, visiting somewhere you’ve never been before, or experimenting with a new style—there is plenty of fun out there! And exploring new things is a great act of self care and self love.

Related Article: The Ultimate Guide of Hobbies for Women Over 50

20. Spend Time Alone

There are many benefits to spending time alone. Solitude is a good way to recharge your batteries and find yourself again.

It’s also a great way to get things done because you don’t have to worry about other people’s needs and demands. Sometimes the best thing for your mental health is to just be alone with yourself for a while.

Many people struggle with the desire for solitude. It may even be difficult to admit that sometimes we want to spend time by ourselves without distractions, but it is natural and good for us.

When people spend some time alone, they usually feel less stressed, more content, and more confident in themselves.

The benefits of spending time alone include improved focus and creativity. It also gives a person a chance to reenergize their mental capacities by connecting with themselves personally.

woman sharing a podcast about acts of self care for women

21. Listen to a New Self Love Podcast

With so many options to choose from, explore podcasts that promote acts of self care and self love.

Find one that you love and listen to it regularly. It will help you develop a mindset that acts of self care and self love are essential to your well-being. Always. Not just if you have some extra time.

You’ll come to accept that acts of self care are not selfish, they are essential to your health and well-being. Self care and self love will become easier for you and you will begin to be an example for those around you.

BONUS: Prioritize Your Health with Regular Checkups

Scheduling regular checkups with your doctor, dentist, and other healthcare providers is essential for staying on top of your well-being.

It’s easy to put off these appointments when life gets busy, but preventative care is key to catching potential health concerns before they become bigger problems.

Have you noticed changes in your vision? Has your balance been off? Have you been more tired than usual? Is your hearing not as sharp as it used to be?

It’s important to pay attention to even the smallest changes in how you feel, especially women in midlife and beyond.

For example, many women don’t realize how much their hearing health effects their overall well-being. If conversations have become harder to follow or you find yourself turning up the TV more than usual, it might be time for a hearing test.

If needed, hearing aids can be a game-changer, helping you stay engaged, confident, and connected with the world around you. Over time, a hearing loss can significantly impact your overall well-being and you may not have paid attention to the problem.

Making your health a priority isn’t just about the big things—it’s about the small, consistent steps you follow to take good care of yourself.

Regular checkups give you peace of mind, help you feel your best, and remind you that taking care of yourself is never selfish!

a napkin says self care isn't selfish and a mug of hot chocolate and a large leaf

Final Thoughts: 21+ Easy Acts of Self Care for Women

Some people might be wondering, “Why acts of self care?” Isn’t it selfish?

Absolutely NOT!

It is important to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. Self care can actually be empowering and healthy.

Plus, practicing acts of self care makes you a role model for other females of all ages who need to learn to practice acts of self care.

Self care is an important component of a healthy and happy life. Remember what they say, “you can’t pour from an empty cup!” You need to take care of you so you can take care of your loved ones.

Good luck with your acts of self care! Think of one thing you can begin right now to start taking care of yourself! Remember, YOU ARE WORTHY!

Love to ALL! ~ Susan

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