happy man and woman hike along the edge of a lake in the mountains

Achieving Happiness: How to Cultivate Joy Everyday

Achieving happiness isn’t as hard as you might think. It requires a shift in attitude and mindset, as well as some changes in daily habits. But it’s very possible to find happiness even during challenging times.

It will require commitment and dedication to making some changes, but you can do it if happiness is truly important to you.

three happy women scroll through a sunflower field

Of course, there are situations that cause grief and sadness, as well as life circumstances that don’t always make things easy for people. But over time, you can overcome those situations.

READ ON for tips and strategies to help you achieve happiness and change your life for the better!

Related Article: 10 Golden Rules for Success and Happiness in Life

What Does It Really Mean to Be Happy?

Happiness isn’t just about feeling good—it’s about living with purpose, fulfillment, and inner peace. But what truly defines happiness?

Aristotle’s most influential works suggest the central purpose of human life is happiness. There are many factors to consider when trying to achieve happiness and personal fulfillment in life so let’s find out how to become happier human beings.

Simple Changes to Get You Started

Only you can determine specifically what brings you happiness, but there are two simple things that can certainly bring you more happiness or change your degree of happiness.

  1. Spend time with people who make you SMILE and feel good. They will have a positive impact on your state of mind. Don’t waste your time on people who bring you down or make you feel bad about yourself.
  2. Create a comfy physical environment at home and work that promotes a feeling of joy around you. Decorate with your favorite colors, photos, aromas, blankets, music, books, etc.

Start with these two changes and work toward other changes that will promote your happiness.

a very happy woman smiles at the camera with headphones a towel and water bottle after exercising

Do Things You Love

Happiness includes doing things you LOVE. Whatever that is, be sure to plan time for it regularly. Get outside.

Listen to your favorite music. Read a book. Make jewelry. Write a book. Take a bubble bath. Design. Create. Relax. Walk. Exercise. Do what you LOVE!

Shift Your Mindset

Have you ever considered how much a healthy mindset impacts your happiness? 

Sometimes you need to change your mindset to achieve happiness.  Especially if you are struggling with something, such as productivity, positivity, or work-life balance.

Research indicates a mindset shift can help you achieve happiness because it helps you make necessary changes in your life. 

A mindset of productivity, positivity, and a work-life balance will help lead you toward greater satisfaction and happiness.

Whether you want to wake up earlier, improve your physical health, or simply learn to accept who you are, change starts with your mindset.

This is all part of personal development and a growth mindset. You have to recognize that there is something you want to fix or change. 

This is the first step toward living an intentional lifestyle that promotes happiness.

a highway sign that says welcome to optimism

Develop a Positive Outlook

Did you know optimistic people tend to be happier than pessimistic people? Some studies show it might even help you live longer!

However, optimism can be hereditary and/or situational, so you might need to develop optimism if it doesn’t come naturally to you.

Try these TIPS as you are working toward developing a positive mindset. They will help improve your coping strategies and resilience, reduce depression and anxiety, improve your self-confidence, and more.

  1. Focus on what’s going well. At the end of each day, write down three things that went well that day.
  2. Practice gratitude. Use a Daily Gratitude Journal to write down 3 things you are grateful for each morning.
  3. Look for the benefits of negative experiences. For challenging experiences, make a list of what you learned and how you grew from that experience.
  4. Visualize your higher self. Stop and visualize your life the way you want it to be several times a day. Your brain will start to believe it will happen.
  5. Build yourself up. Remind yourself often about your wonderful personality traits, talents, and gifts. Turn these thoughts into positive affirmations that you speak daily.
  6. Surround yourself with people who value you. Don’t waste your energy with people who bring you down.

Related Article: Top 175 Choose Happiness Quotes and Sayings

a happy woman stretches in the sunlight in a field

The Science-Backed Benefits of Happiness

Science supports the idea that happiness isn’t just a nice feeling—it has tangible benefits. Studies show that happy people tend to:

  • Live longer and healthier lives
  • Have stronger immune systems
  • Build better relationships
  • Experience lower stress levels
  • Perform better at work

Happiness isn’t just good for the soul—it’s good for the body and mind, too! So let’s keep exploring how to achieve happiness.

What Factors Are Important for Happiness?

Let’s look at five categories that are important for happiness:

  1. Social Relationships and Networks: People need social interactions to some degree. They are born to innately function in some kind of social circle. Relationships with friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, and/or others are important. Happy people have positive social relationships even if they are minimal.
  2. Temperament, Adaptability, and Behavior: Learning how to adapt to changes and circumstances in your life will impact your overall happiness. You cannot control everything around you. Therefore, accepting what you cannot control will serve you well. A gentle temperament with proper mood regulation and an interest in new experiences will also promote a sense of happiness. It will also help you live a more content and peaceful life.
  3. Mindset and Thinking Style: A positive mindset and flexible thinking will help you achieve happiness in life, as well. Keep an open mind and be willing to try new things with a positive mindset. View the world from the perspective of goodness. Wake up each morning with a feeling of gratitude for all good things in your life.
  4. Self-Care and Well-Being: A focus on your self-care and well-being, as well as that of your loved ones, will help you live a happier life. A healthy balance of proper sleep, exercise, nutrition, relaxation, adventure, fun, and hobbies will promote happiness for you and your family.
  5. Employment and Financial Security: While most of us would like to have more money for the extras in life, we really only need enough to provide for our basic needs and care. Steady employment and financial security are important aspects of happiness. But this should not be confused with an attitude that we always need more and better.

Related Article: 19 Powerful Reasons Why Mindset is Everything

a happiness web with components of achieving happiness

Simple, Daily Habits to Boost Your Happiness

You can start making small changes in your life by focusing on your daily habits. Life changes can be difficult, so set small goals. Start with daily happiness and a long-term goal of lifelong happiness.

I’m the first to admit I am NOT a morning person. But I know waking up to a daily routine with a plan for the day is a more productive way to start each day. And productive behaviors and accomplishments corelate to happiness!

Wake Up to a Routine Everyday

So, however you start your day, or whatever time you wake up, have a plan in place for accomplishing something. Anything.

Wake up with gratitude and do whatever works to get you moving. This will help you work toward achieving happiness.

a note that says life is what you make it laying in some green leaves

Breaks are Important and Rest is Okay

For some people, it’s very difficult to develop a mindset that rest is okay. Historically, as a society, we value progress and accomplishment.

Sometimes we are trained to work, work, work. And our self-worth is dependent on how much we accomplish.

But it’s essential to take breaks and rest! Nowadays, we know that rest and relaxation produce happier, healthier humans!

Once you are able to understand the importance of taking a break, the rest of your life becomes so much better and you stand a better chance of achieving happiness.


a happy family of four laughing together

Happiness Is a Journey, Not a Destination

There are many different ways to achieve happiness, but there are some common elements that will help. And again, a lot of it begins with mindset and habits.

Recognize What You Have Control Over (And What You Don’t)

Are you a control freak? If so, you may find it difficult to find happiness.

Unless you change your mindset and give up some of your control issues, you’ll find yourself always in turmoil and conflict. Your mental health will suffer.

Let go of the fear of losing control and life will become much easier for you. You will learn to accept that you can’t control everything in life.

Once you are able to change your mindset and let go of your control issues, you can live your life with the intention of achieving happiness. But those control issues have to GO, GO, GO.

Control issues go hand-in-hand with a fixed mindset and that limits your personal growth.

Stop Living in the Past (Let Go)

It’s important to let go of the past if you want to be happy in the future.

Often we get caught up in anger or resentment that holds us back and prevents us from being happy. Let go of it.

Other times we hold on to jealousy and envy and allow it to steal our happiness. Let it go.

Sometimes we constantly over-analyze our past or use it as an excuse for our present. But that only diminishes our happiness today.

So unless thinking and living in the past is giving you happiness in the future, LET GO OF IT.

happy man and woman hike along the edge of a lake in the mountains

Think Positively

Finally, consider this very important mindset shift: Always remember that you are doing your best. And, that is enough!

Make the changes you can make… stay positive… express your gratitude… love yourself… shift your mindset… do things you love… and enjoy your pursuit of happiness.

Besides, isn’t the journey as awesome as the outcome? Be happy for the journey, too!

Related Article: Intentional Ways to Improve Your Happiness

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How to Find Happiness within Yourself

If you want to live a happy life, you’ll need to know how to deal with both positive emotions and negative emotions.

Unfortunately, bad things happen to good people everyday, so you’ll need to understand happiness comes with difficult times, too.

Little things can make a big difference in your happiness level. Settling into your comfort zone and creating a safe place will help strengthen your feeling of happiness in your everyday life.

Enjoying good times with family members on a regular basis will also help you find true happiness.

You can become a happier person if you negate unnecessary material things and focus on what brings you happiness on a deeper level.

Remember, Aristotle says happiness is the ultimate purpose of human existence so enjoy the small things in life.

Live your life in the present moment and make a conscious effort to maintain a positive attitude about lifelong happiness.

Practice mindfulness meditation that helps put you in an emotional state of bliss and joy.

Don’t forget to practice random acts of kindness. This is a great way to feel a sense of true happiness in your heart while also sharing good feelings and kindness with others.

Be the best version of yourself by living with a sense of purpose and joy. Let your spirit shine in your daily life, not just on special occasions.

a young dark haired happy woman lays in the grass with her hair on top of her head decorated with flowers

Final Thoughts

You have to remember that life is a journey of emotions and experiences that requires your body, mind, and spirit to constantly work together in achieving happiness. Achieving happiness should be a journey, not a destination.

But with changes in your mindset and daily habits, you can develop the skills you need to achieve happiness and enjoy the journey.

I believe in you and wish you the very best! Achieving happiness isn’t that hard—it just requires some mindset changes and new daily habits. You’ve got this!

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No one ever promised us a rose garden in life, so we have to make our own rose garden—and SMILE even if our rose garden looks like a field of wildflowers! Remember, mindset is everything, my friends!

Love to ALL! ~Susan

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