60 Peaceful Bedtime Affirmations for Good Sleep
Do you take the stress of each day to bed with you every night? If so, it’s time for you to learn how to utilize peaceful bedtime affirmations for good sleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed and renewed each morning!
Many of us struggle to go to sleep at night because our minds are too busy. We allow our anxiety to prevent us from going to sleep and sleeping peacefully through the night. Positive, calming affirmations for anxiety can help us sleep better.
We need to learn how to slide into a peaceful state of restful sleep to support and protect our physical wellbeing and mental health.
Positive thoughts before sleep will help you get a good rest and feel better the next day! So start using these positive bedtime affirmations and changing the way you refresh your mind and body!

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What Are Positive Bedtime Affirmations
Affirmations for sleep are positive statements that you say aloud before you go to bed to alleviate your stress and anxiety from the day.
These positive statements might be called many things — affirmations for bedtime, night affirmations, good night affirmations, positive sleep thoughts, night affirmations — but they all serve the same purpose. They are developed to help you sleep better and wake up more energized and refreshed — ready to take on the world.
With these positive, peaceful bedtime affirmations for good sleep, you’ll be able to do just that! You deserve restful sleeps every night!
60 Peaceful Sleep Affirmations
I’ve broken this list of the best sleep affirmations for good sleep into six lists of 10 affirmations to make it easier for you to review and consider. There’s no right or wrong way to choose and use them. And there’s no particular order.
I chose these affirmations after looking through hundreds because they seemed to be applicable to many people. I also created many of my own affirmations and I have shared them in this list.
Using positive, calming affirmations to sleep better is a very common practice today. Be sure to share the idea with your friends and family who may be having difficulty with sleep.
Related Article: Habits to Improve Mental Health, Sleep, and Heart Health

Positive Sleep Affirmations
1. I inhale peace and exhale fear.
2. My mind is calm and peaceful now that my day is done.
3. I am thankful for the chance to sleep and open my eyes in the morning with a fresh perspective.
4. I lay here without anxious or disturbing thoughts since I am at peace with myself.
5. My mind is quiet and calm. Sleep will soon come.
6. I let go of worry because it will not solve any problems.
7. Today was not such a good day but tomorrow is a new day. Now it’s time to sleep deeply.
8. I am content with myself and all the progress I made today.
9. As I lay here, I let go of all that no longer serves me.
10. I release all tension from my body as I prepare for a restful nights sleep.
Bedtime Affirmations for Good Sleep
11. Sleep is calling me. I love my bed.
12. I am releasing all heaviness from my mind & body.
13. My body will heal while I sleep.
14. I am grateful to be able to get some rest tonight.
15. My mind and spirit are tranquil.
16. I empty my head of racing thoughts.
17. I have done my best today. Tomorrow is another day.
18. I release all emotional negativity. I forgive myself.
19. As I go to sleep, I let go of all my self-limiting beliefs.
20. As I sleep my body, mind, and soul are being aligned with the best version of myself.

Affirmations to Help You Sleep
21. As I sleep my body, mind, and soul are being aligned with the best version of myself.
22. I am grateful to be able to get some rest tonight.
23. I release this day now so I can fall asleep with ease.
24. I worked hard today, and I deserve to rest.
25. I am safe in my room and choose to relax without worry.
26. I give permission to my mind, body, and soul to calm down, be at peace, and relax.
27. I let go of comparison and embrace my beautiful journey.
28. I release anything that didn’t go well today.
29. I let go of the past and the future. I focus on the present moment.
30. I will not dwell on my to-do list. I will deal with it tomorrow.
Related Article: 85 Positive Affirmations for Better Family Relationships
Effective Nighttime Affirmations
31. I am in control of my thoughts and I choose positive ones.
32. I let go of all the feelings of stress and open myself to conquer any challenges that come my way.
33. I let go of what I can’t control.
34. I can rest knowing I’m on the right path.
35. I will not let anything disturb my peace.
36. I let go of negative thoughts and any negativity from today.
37. Nothing will disturb my peace unless I let it.
38. I am in control of my thoughts and I choose to only think calm happy thoughts right now.
39. I give myself permission to lay here quietly and do nothing.
40. I forgive others that made mistakes today. We are all human.

Positive Affirmations Before Bed
41. I embrace rest. I welcome sleep.
42. Resting and sleeping are essential to my health, happiness, and wellbeing.
43. I worked hard today, and I deserve to rest.
44. I choose to relax my entire body and sink deeply into bed.
45. I will wake up refreshed and happy after having a good night’s sleep.
46. I release this day now so I can fall asleep with ease.
47. my sleep be peaceful and filled with sweet dreams.
48. I choose to be calm and peaceful.
49. With gratitude, I welcome a good night’s sleep.
50. I am going to have a calm and peaceful sleep.
Affirmations for Better Sleep
51. I give myself permission to fall into a deep sleep.
52. My body feels light and relaxed.
53. I am worthy of rest, healing, and rejuvenation.
54. My mind and body deserve to rest and rejuvenate.
55. I unplug tonight in order to conquer tomorrow.
56. With every breath I take, I feel calmness wash over me.
57. I have done my very best today and that is the best I can do.
58. My mind, body, and soul are worthy of rest.
59. I release the anxieties and stress of the day.
60. I am relaxed both physically and mentally so in the morning I will be refreshed.

What Is An Affirmation?
Affirmations are positive statements that are used to train your brain to believe exactly what you tell it. Too often, if you are like me, you self-sabotage with negative thoughts and frustrations while laying in bed at night thinking about your day.
With positive affirmations, you retrain your brain! Just like when you exercise to train and strengthen your body, positive affirmations train and strengthen your mind.
When they are repeated over time, your brain is retrained with new thinking patterns and you begin to believe new things and behave differently. Thus, with bedtime affirmations, your bedtime routine becomes less frustrating and more peaceful.
(I’m still working on this personal development skill, by the way.)
Any area of your life where you want to see positive change, you can use positive affirmations. They are generally expressed as *I* statements… “I am calm and at peace with my productivity today.”
When you use positive affirmations to replace negative, troublesome, or frustrating thoughts, you are making space for what you want your brain to believe. Over time, your mindset will change. Your behaviors will change.
Bedtime affirmations for good sleep will help you make restful sleep a priority for your health and wellbeing.
How to Use Affirmations
You say affirmations aloud to yourself on a regular basis, preferably everyday. You should have a regular time of the day when you do them, and a quite place that is designated for your affirmations.
With night time affirmations, you should say them close to bedtime to help with falling asleep. You’ll free your mind from the troubles of the day and have happy thoughts before bed.
Be sure to focus, visualize, and believe in what you are saying with each affirmation.
Don’t do them all at one time. Choose 1-5 affirmations that resonate with you and say them every single night until you find your body is better able to relax and your mind is able to shut off.
Then you can choose new affirmations, modify what you are saying, or keep saying the same ones. It’s about your personal development and wellbeing so you DO what’s best for YOU.
It takes time. It’s not going to happen in one night. Be patient with yourself.

Final Thoughts: Affirmations for Good Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep rejuvenates and refreshes your mind, body, and soul. Affirmations for good sleep can be very beneficial!
Once you have retrained your brain to prepare for a restful sleep, you will wake up every morning ready to conquer each new day.
I hope these positive affirmations for sleep will help you sleep better and get the rest you deserve.
Again, do sleep affirmations work? Yes, calming affirmations for good sleep work! JUST BELIEVE!
Let me know how it goes for you! I am working to retrain my brain to sleep better too so I’ll be sharing more on this topic in the future, too!
For more information about Sleep Hygiene, click here for a very comprehensive article by the Sleep Foundation.
Love to All! ~Susan
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Do You Use Bedtime Affirmations as Part of Your Self Care Plan?
Do you use affirmations for your personal growth? Please share your thoughts and tips in the comment section below:)