95 Best Body Neutrality Affirmations for Self Acceptance
In this article, we are going to explore the concept of body neutrality. First, we will look at the difference between body positivity and body neutrality. Then we will consider the body positivity controversy and whether body positivity is toxic. Finally, you’ll find a comprehensive list of 95 body neutrality affirmations to help you learn to think about your body in a different way and improve your self-acceptance at any age or stage of life. Body neutrality helps us develop a sense of respect for our bodies, which we should have at all ages.
To be honest, I’ve had conflicting feelings about the concept of body positivity over the years. And as I age, body-image becomes even more complex and confusing.

While I admire bloggers and influencers who promote the idea, I have also struggled with the concept of body positivity because it can potentially conflict with a healthy lifestyle and the aging process. Hence, when I learned about the idea of body neutrality, I felt more connected to the concept. Ultimately, I discovered that my mindset aligns more with the concept of body neutrality.
As I continue on my journey of good personal growth and a healthy mindset as I grow older, I will be using these body neutrality affirmations for improved self-acceptance and self-love. Since the body neutrality mindset is good for all ages, I invite you to join me!
Key Takeaways:
- Body neutrality is a way of thinking about your body as a vessel for all that it can do for you.
- Body neutrality helps reduce negative thoughts and feelings about the way your body looks.
- Body neutrality helps you develop a sense of respect and acceptance of your body.
- Body neutrality affirmations can help you change your mindset and improve self-image.
Body Neutrality vs Body Positivity
What’s the difference between body positivity and body neutrality? Some people struggle with what body positivity represents. More recently the idea of body neutrality has been gaining momentum. Let’s learn about the difference before we get to the body neutrality affirmations.

What is the Body Positivity Movement?
There is a somewhat complex history of the body positivity movement that dates back to the 1960’s. Today, the movement is slightly different than what it used to be.
With the expansion of social media since the 1990’s, the body positivity movement has become more of a response to cyberbullying and body shaming of overweight social media influencers. Overweight social media influencers and activists began to proudly promote and celebrate their fashion styles and bodies. Responses were often brutal.
The body positivity movement began focusing on silencing those brutal attacks on larger women who were freely celebrating their heavier bodies with clothing that was once considered only appropriate for thinner gals. The movement empowered others to take part in celebrating and loving all kinds of bodies.
Celebrities such as Serena Williams, Alicia Keys, and Amy Schumer joined the body positivity movement to fight against society’s unrealistic beauty standards and empower those with marginalized bodies not shown in the media.
The body positivity message became one that we should love and celebrate all kinds of bodies, particularly fat bodies and those of color. The message has morphed into a fat acceptance and fat liberation movement that has caused some controversy.
Many celebrities such as Jillian Michaels and Kanye West have been outspoken about their beliefs that fat people cannot be healthy and we should not be celebrating fat bodies. This has created controversy, and conversation.
Although the idea of loving all body-types is one with good intention, and over the years it has made a positive impact on societal norms and acceptance, there are arguments that body positivity may not be realistic.

What is the Body Neutrality Movement?
The body neutrality movement is different from the body positivity movement in that it doesn’t involve always loving your body. Body neutrality focuses more on respect and acceptance of your body. You may not love every aspect of your body, but you accept it as the way you were created.
The idea of body neutrality also provides a middle ground for days when you absolutely love your body and days when you are not so happy with it. Either way, you are able to recognize that your body is only one aspect of YOU.
Body neutrality affirmations can help you develop this mindset.
Body neutrality is like the middle-of-the-road approach between body positivity and body negativity. It allows you to have respect for your body without a feeling of love or hate.
The body neutrality movement helps you prioritize what your body does for you and your body’s function as opposed to how it looks, what you see in the mirror, or how much weight you need to lose.
This new movement began around 2015 when body image coach Anne Poirier, Author, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Eating Disorder Specialist, started using the phrase to help her clients develop a healthier lifestyle and a positive way to think about their bodies. .
You don’t have to love or hate your body, you can have a neutral perspective about it and value it as the vessel for your life. There’s nothing wrong with embracing some body positivity thoughts and some neutrality thoughts at the same time, but you want to have a mindset that allows you to have a healthy relationship with your body.
Remember, your body and physical characteristics are passed down from your parents through genetics. At this point in time, there is only so much you can do to change those gifts. Be thankful for what you have been given to live your life.
Some people in the body neutrality movement want to change the way society places so much value on beauty and appearance. However, I feel body neutrality is essential for developing a better relationship with your body and a clear mindset about your vessel. This is why body neutrality affirmations are so important! We need to endorse body neutraility as a positive movement in the future.

Body Positivity Controversy
There are many reasons that the body positivity movement has created controversy over the years. These are just some of the controversial issues that are causing therapists, celebrities, and leaders in the industry to shift from the body positivity movement to the body neutrality movement today.
- In general, some people argue that overweight people cannot be healthy and we should not be promoting fat acceptance as part of the body positivity movement.
- There are people who believe it is not possible to always love your body unconditionally. Your body changes over time and you may not enjoy the changes.
- The concept of always loving your body can create situations where you feel emotionally conflicted. If you are an advocate of body positivity, you could potentially face times when you don’t genuinely love your body, or parts of your body. You could feel like you need to hide your true feelings.
- Researchers suggest that overweight people are costing society money in the workplace and causing drugs to cost more because they require more medicines than people of normal weights.
- The LGBTQ+ community, people of color, and disabled people feel they have been neglected in the body positivity movement. They played a significant role in the history of the body positivity movement but do not feel the movement has addressed their concerns.
- The body positivity movement can be detrimental to people with eating disorders because it does not address emotional health and underlying causes of the disorders.
Overall, as the much newer body neutrality movement gains momentum, we understand that it allows you to shift your mindset in a realistic and honest way that doesn’t make you feel guilty or less valuable. You don’t have to love your body every day, in every way.
You can learn to have neutral emotions about your body that allow you to live your best life without judgement, fear, or unhappiness.
Now we’re ready for body neutrality affirmations to help us develop a healthy mindset about our bodies.

Body Neutrality Affirmations to Improve Your Self-Image
Now that we know a little about body neutrality, let’s move forward with body neutrality affirmations that will help you learn to focus on all the wonderful things your body can do for you rather than how you look or your imperfect body parts.
Affirmations should be stated aloud to yourself every day with intention. You can choose your favorites or you can create short lists to read each day.
You can also write your affirmations on sticky notes and leave them in prominent places where you will see them throughout the day. The messages will seep into your subconscious mind as you see, hear, and say them consistently.
Practice body neutral affirmations every day and you will develop radical self acceptance!
- There is more to me than my physical appearance.
- I release all negative thoughts about my body.
- I am worthy of love regardless of what my body looks like.
- Today I embrace body love and acknowledge all that my body can do.
- I love having body positive thoughts.
- I am a beautiful human being – inside and out.
- My stretch marks are beautiful symbols of what my body can do.
- I appreciate my body’s appearance.
- I release all body hatred and replace it with body confidence.
- Even when I have bad body image days, I know there’s more to life than my outward appearance.
- The size of my pants is not important to my happy life.
- I do not engage in negative self-talk about my body.
- My body size is perfect for me.
- My positive relationship with my body supports my mental health.
- I embrace a positive body image today and every day.
- Body acceptance is important to a healthy relationship with myself.
- I love and accept my body as it is everyday.
- My body works hard and deserves my kindness.
- I am thankful for my body because it does so much for me.
- All bodies are different and that’s perfectly fine.
- My body is simply a vessel for my soul.
- My body deserves to be taken care of.
- Life is too short to worry about my body’s appearance.
- My body does a lot of work for me.
- I have everything I need inside of me.
- My body does not affect my lovability.
- My worth is not determined by a number.
- I am worthy of love, regardless of my body.
- My body is uniquely mine and that is enough.
- My life can be full, regardless of my body size.
- I am a whole person, not a body.
- My body is the least interesting thing about me.
- There is so much more to life than worrying about my weight.
- My body is not my identity.
- I am defined by who I am, not what I look like.
- I can experience a full life in any body size.
- My size, shape, and appearance does not impact my ability to enjoy life.
- I am lovable no matter what I look like.
- My soul is the most beautiful thing about me.
- I will eat a variety of foods – for both wellness and enjoyment.
- I am a human being with imperfections – but I am still loveable.
- My core values have nothing to do with my body’s appearance.
- My body is only one tiny part of who I am.
- Just as I don’t love people for their bodies, people don’t love me for mine.
- My self-respect does not change based on the number on a scale.
- I offer so much value to this world that has nothing to do with my body.
- I am kind to my body even when I feel uncomfortable with its appearance.
- It is okay to not feel confident all the time.
- My arms allow me to hug my loved ones. I am grateful.
- Taking care of myself feels good.

- I am comfortable in my own skin.
- No one can make me feel poorly about myself without my permission.
- My body is not my worth.
- I deserve to enjoy my life and will be sure to do plan fun times.
- I am perfectly capable of wearing any clothes that I like.
- When my body tells me to rest, I know it’s important for me to rest.
- My body keeps me going everyday and I am grateful for it.
- This is my one and only body and I accept it as a gift.
- I do not need to feel attractive at all times to be happy and live my best life.
- My body does not need to change to be accepted.
- I release the notion that I have to be a certain size to be accepted.
- Acceptance of my body starts in my head.
- Acceptance of my body continues in my heart.
- I am a complex individual who is inherently deserving of love.
- My body is strong and my mind is courageous.
- Forcing myself to eat differently is not an act of love.
- Choosing healthy and colorful foods is an act of love for my body and mind.
- Eating with balance creates food freedom.
- It is healthy to love the way food tastes.
- I accept food as nourishment for my body.
- My vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.
- I am capable of always being kind to my body.
- I speak to my body as if it is my best friend.
- Accepting my body is revolutionary and intentional.
- I release all judgement toward my body.
- My face gives me the ability to see, taste, and smell.
- My hands give me the ability to touch and feel.
- My feet give me the ability to walk and run.
- My brain allows me to make decisions and choose happiness.
- My ears allow me to hear the beautiful sounds of this world.
- I am so much more than my appearance.
- My worth and lovability do not depend on my appearance.
- My body changes often and it’s okay.
- My feelings about my body may change from day-to-day and that’s okay.
- If I choose to wear make-up, it’s for me, not anyone else.
- I view my body through a lens of neutrality, without judgement.
- I aim for progress, not perfection.
- My body is an instrument, not an ornament.
- Feeling at peace with food and my body does more for my health than depriving myself of foods.
- My body image is not anyone’s business but mine.
- Healthy looks different on different bodies.
- I look in the mirror and see a kind, compassionate person.
- Loving my body doesn’t necessarily mean I believe it looks good but I know it works hard for me.
- Sometimes I love the way I look and sometimes I don’t, but that’s okay.
- My appearance will change many times during my life and I will appreciate it at every stage and age.

How to Use Daily Affirmations
First, make sure you set aside a specific time to review your affirmations each day. Speak them several times and listen to the words so your mind will start believe them. It’s a good practice to spend 5-10 minutes a day saying them aloud to yourself.
It’s helpful to add your affirmations to your morning and night time routines.
You can also write your affirmations in your journal or say them in your meditation practice daily. This will help you internalize the concepts. When you are working with your affirmations, be sure to be fully present and available to listen to the words.
Always speak your affirmations in the present tense and be sure they are positive statements. Leave them on sticky notes around your work and living environment so you can see them and feel them frequently througout each day.
Other Ways to Practice Body Neutrality
Along with your body-neutral affirmations, there are other things you can do to help shift your mindset. Try these simple acts that align with your affirmations for positive change.
1. Stop talking about your body. This includes thoughts and conversations with yourself and others. Don’t berate yourself when a pair of pants feels tight. Instead just change into a more comfortable pair. Stop engaging in conversations about bodies.
2. Don’t be afraid to wear comfortable clothes. Some influencers are already promoting the idea that you can wear comfortable clothes and still feel good about yourself. Throw on your favorite jewelry and accessories to elevate your comfortable outfit. Don’t spend forever getting ready. Be comfortable and happy.
3. Redirect conversations about bodies. When others talk about their bodies and physical attributes, redirect the conversation to how these people feel in their bodies and what their bodies can do for them. Avoid body conversations about diet culture and weight loss.
4. Eat foods that you like and enjoy. Eat nutritious and healthy foods that you know will nourish your mind and body, but don’t deny yourself the goodies that you enjoy.
5. Listen to your body. Rest if you need rest; eat if you’re hungry; move if you feel energetic. Don’t give yourself a hard time because of how your body feels at any given time. Appreciate what your body is telling you.
6. Be patient with yourself. Changing your mindset can take time. Don’t rush the process. It will only cause you to become frustrated. Take your time and enjoy the process of change.
7. Reframe your thoughts about your body. If something is bothering you about your body, shift your thoughts to how that body part benefits you and how you can take good care of that body part.
8. Remember that body neutrality is a fully inclusive movement. Be proud of the fact that you are making a positive change in your mindset that also promotes inclusivity and amplifies voices of marginalized people. Don’t let others negate your feelings and decisions about body neutrality.
9. Write a Thank You Note to your body. I know it sounds silly, but it’s a great personal growth and reflection exercise to help improve your mindset and develop body neutrality.
10. Identify 10 great things about your body. Take 2-minutes to look in a full-length mirror and name at least 10 things that are awesome about your body. Think about all the amazing things your body does for you; think about all the things you love about your body. Give yourself grace and SMILE because when you smile, the world smiles back:)

Final Thoughts about Body Neutrality Affirmations
There’s a lot to absorb when it comes to changing your mindset about your body but body neutrality affirmations are a great way to start.
Remember, it’s very possible to find some middle ground between body positivity and body neutrality. Positive affirmations about body neutrality can help you determine how you feel about your body.
To avoid confusion or emotional conflict, don’t follow social media accounts that are not aligned with your general beliefs toward your body. Self love looks and feels different to everyone. Don’t let others negatively influence the way you feel about your body.
Your body weight, physical health, and choice of clothing are no one’s business but yours. Your idea of a healthy body image is uniquely yours. Different people have different ways of thinking about body respect and body love. And that’s okay.
You choose how you feel about your body based on your emotional health and mindset. But remember to focus on all that your body can do for you. No one has a perfect body so be careful how much value you place on the appearance of your body.
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Love to ALL! ~ Susan