Your Guide to the Best Journal Prompts for Entrepreneurs
In this article, you will discover 60 of the best journal prompts for entrepreneurs to help you adopt an entrepreneurial mindset that will help take your business to great places!
These entrepreneur journal prompts are also journal prompts for SUCCESS! They will help you focus on the things that your business needs to become its very best.
Business journaling prompts can help with your organizational structure, your business goals, your confidence as an entrepreneur, and much more.
Let’s move on to learn more about entrepreneur journal prompts and how they can help you!

Related Article: 43 Popular Topics for Journal Prompts to Help You Grow
Benefits of Journaling for Business
There are many journaling benefits for both personal and professional purposes.
Journaling helps you achieve your goals, track your progress and growth, gain confidence, boost creativity and abstract thinking, reduce anxiety and stress, strengthen memory, organize thoughts, and establish a healthy mindset. Plus, much more:)
Using journal prompts as a business owner can help your productivity, management, and organization. It can help you gain clarity about your business goals and objectives. It can help you compare what happened last week, to what happened this week, so you know how to best manage your business next week.
Plus journal prompts for business can help your brain learn to think about the daily tasks involved in your business that need attention for growth. They can also help establish good habits that will help your business grow with perseverance, organizational skills, goal-setting, analysis, and reflection.
If you use journal prompts for entrepreneurs daily for two months, I bet you will adopt an entrepreneurial mindset that takes you to great places! Let me know how it works for you!

Adopt an Entrepreneurial Mindset
Journal prompts for entrepreneurs may include thought-provoking statements, sentence starters for you to complete, and reflection questions for entrepreneurs. These kinds of journal prompts will help you adopt an entrepreneurial mindset.
It’s best to get in the habit of writing in your business journal every day to develop the mindset. Your mind will start to automatically think about the important stuff once you’re in the routine of using it every day.
But sometimes, there are business tasks that need attention on an as-need basis, and it helps to journal about these tasks to help problem solve.
Related Article: 30 Self Reflection Journal Prompts for Personal Growth
Journaling As-Needed
Sometimes you’ll find that it’s helpful to write about your thoughts on a specific topic that is floating around in your head about your business. Those thoughts can sometimes paralyze you with anxiety if you have a tough decision or situation looming ahead of you.
One of the solutions for a business person is to simply sit down with a notebook and writing tool to put your thoughts into words.
These are some times when you might consider as-needed journaling:
- when you are feeling overwhelmed and need to put things in order
- when you need to reflect on something pertaining to the future of your business
- when you need to weight your options (pros and cons lists can be effective for this)
- when you need to process a situation that has become particularly complicated
- when you need to make a plan or strategy for a special project or upcoming transition
- when you need understanding and clarity about a situation
- when your creativity is stuck
As an entrepreneur, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders so it’s important to use journaling strategies to manage and ease your burdens.
The beauty of journaling is that it can be messy, and that’s okay. With journaling, you don’t have to follow any pattern or rules, you can just write what comes into your head. The freer we allow our thoughts to be, the more effective the process of journaling becomes.
Related Article: 10 Important Reflection Questions to Ask Yourself at the End of the Year
Developing a Growth Mindset for Success
In life, not just in business, it’s best to have a growth mindset. A growth mindset allows you to think in terms of turning around a potentially negative situation and making it a positive learning experience.
A growth mindset causes you to ask, “How can I turn this around to make it work for me?” and causes you say, “I don’t know how to do that yet, but I will learn.”
Whereas a fixed mindset causes you to say, “wah wah wah, poor me… I’ll never learn this!”
Which mindset is more productive and positive? Yep! The growth mindset! So as a business owner, I’m sure you want to have a growth mindset in order to help you adopt an entrepreneurial mindset — a mindset that includes short- and long-term goals, analysis, reflection, team planning, and reviews.
You want to be able to determine what’s working and what’s not working so you can fix it and move on with your entrepreneurial success, right?

60 Journal Prompts for Entrepreneurs to Use Right Now
Entrepreneur journal prompts will help you build your business and stay focused on how to do that. Don’t make your journal an extra to-do chore — make it part of your best business practices! Write as much or as little as you deem necessary to thrive.
1. What do you believe about having your own business? What is your why?
2. What characteristics do you see in people who are successful as entrepreneurs?
3. What do you believe about your own characteristics as an entrepreneur?
4. What do you believe is possible with your business?
5. How and where do you want to spend your energy as a business owner?
6. What’s blocking you from bringing your business vision to life right now?
7. What are your beliefs about earning and receiving money from this business?
8. What lifestyle do you want to have as an entrepreneur?
9. What feels totally impossible with your business right now? Why do you feel that way?
10. What do you need to feel successful today? Why?
11. What do you need from your business today — physically, emotionally, energetically?
12. What are you most proud of about your entrepreneurship to date?
13. List 3 business tasks you have been avoiding and describe why you’ve been avoiding them.
14. Think of a time when you indulged in confusion or overwhelm with your business and describe how you felt and how you handled it. What would you do differently the next time?
15. Write about a time you used your intuition to guide a decision with the business. Was it a good decision? Why or why not?
16. What are your long-term goals for the business?
17. What do you believe you have to do next to reach your long-term goals?
18. Write about 5 positive things you are getting as an entrepreneur.
19. Write about 5 challenges you are facing as an entrepreneur.
20. What business milestones did you reach last week?
21. What area of your business do you need help with? How can you get the help?
22. Who is your biggest cheerleader as an entrepreneur? How do you spend quality time with this person?
23. Write about an “a-haa” moment you had this week. Thoughts, feelings, outcomes, etc.
24. Who is your ideal client and where do you find this client?
25. How did you manage your work/home balance last week? How are you going to manage it this week?
26. What new skills do you want to develop as an entrepreneur? Why?
27. What failures have you faced on your journey and how did you handle them?
28. Make a list of 6 qualities you believe you need to have for an entrepreneurial mindset.
29. What business leader would you like to be more like and why?
30. Write about a difficult customer you’ve had and how you handled the situation.

31. What successes did you have in business last month? How are you using those successes to guide your business management this month?
32. How have you left your comfort zone recently?
33. What are your business priorities for the upcoming month?
34. What is the most helpful business feedback you’ve received to date?
35. Who is your ideal mentor and why?
36. What is one thing you keep thinking about and how can you resolve it?
37. Write about how your loved ones feel about your business and how you deal with those feelings.
38. This time last year………..
39. This time next year……….
40. Write about how you prioritize business tasks each day.
41. What are you working on this coming week?
42. If next week goes completely as planned, what would you accomplish?
43. What was your favorite discovery last week?
44. Are you working on anything (a blog post or new offer) that you need some market research for? When and how are you managing to do that?
45. When and what was the last thing you did for fun? How are you finding balance in your life?
46. What does your self-care practice look like each day? Do you need more focus on this aspect of life?
47. What was the worst advice you took from someone about business?
48. To whom do you owe your business smarts?
49. If you could switch places with a top competitor, how would you handle their business?
50. How have you changed since you decided to grow your business?
51. What do you think is your biggest advantage among other businesses in your industry?
52. What does business integrity mean to you? Is it important? Why or why not?
53. How are you planning to win new clients this quarter?
54. What impact do you want to make on the community through your business?
55. What are the best and worst things that could happen if this entrepreneur venture doesn’t work?
56. How have your objectives changed from when you first started your business?
57. What beliefs keep you going after your dreams?
58. What would you do with with your business if you had unlimited money?
59. How could you automate certain business tasks to make things easier on you?
60. What is your biggest distraction in your business?

Final Thoughts About Journal Prompts for Entrepreneurs
Journaling for entrepreneurs can make all the difference in the world to the success of your business. Journaling helps you adopt an entrepreneurial mindset that places you at the top of your industry.
Who do you consider to be an entrepreneur? Since the origin of Covid-19, there are more entrepreneurs in the United States than ever before! Many entrepreneurs are working from home and using digital connections.
As a result of these changes in how people do business, entrepreneurs need to learn about marketing, social media, blogging, customer service, website design and management, search engine optimization (SEO), business management, business organization, and so much more. Its far more complicated that it was years ago.
If you are blogging with your business (which is considered best practice today), you might want to read my article, Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Blog. It’s insightful!
If you still have any doubts about trying these journal prompts for entrepreneurs, I suggest you read How to Journal for Business Success: The Ultimate Guide. It is an amazing article!
An entrepreneur mindset does not come naturally to many people — while others seem to thrive in the entrepreneurial world. But either way, journal prompts for entrepreneurs can help you focus on what’s truly important for your business and develop the right mindset to lead you to new heights.
Putting words to your thoughts opens up a creative process that gives you insight and clarity. This insight empowers successful entrepreneurs to rise to the top. So when are you getting started with your journal prompts for entrepreneurs?
Love to All! ~ Susan
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