21 Awesome Ways to Celebrate Life Every Day
When life becomes overwhelming, as it often does, it becomes easy to forget how to celebrate life every day and maintain a positive mindset. You need to start looking at all the things, even the little things, that are worth celebrating and live life as if each day is the last day of your life. Every day is a new day that you can find something wonderful to celebrate. Spend quality time daily to have celebrations of life because there is just so much to celebrate!
So let’s look at how to celebrate life every day by adopting 21 easy habits that will support your efforts to celebrate life and maintain a positive mindset. There are many simple ways to celebrate even small things!

Key Takeaways
- Life is full of joys and sorrows, ups and downs, wins and losses. But we need to take time to celebrate the good things in life.
- There is always something to celebrate if we develop a positive mindset and an attitude of gratitude.
- We can improve our overall health and wellbeing by focusing on the good things in life rather than the bad things.

How to Celebrate Life Every Day
Think about all the good things you can celebrate every day — good food, special times, a cup of coffee, a precious gift, a holiday season, family get-togethers, a gathering of friends, the open arms of loved ones, small treats, little victories, a new baby.
If you develop a positive mindset and an attitude of gratitude, you’ll realize there are countless ways and reasons to celebrate life everyday.
By developing an attitude of gratitude and seeing the most beautiful things in life, you will reduce your stress levels and enhance positive emotions rather than negative. You will improve your emotional and spiritual life, and in turn, your overall wellbeing.
Think of cancer survivors. When they have been through medical interventions and treatment-after-treatment — sometimes for months or years — they learn to appreciate every day they wake up. Daily life becomes a celebration rather than a burden. The gift of another day becomes invaluable.
We have to remember that life is a beautiful journey with ups and downs. We will face joys and sorrows in life. We will have wins and losses. But it’s important to celebrate the beauty of life.
1. Wake up and live each day to the fullest.
Wake up and live each day as if it is your first and your last. Open your eyes and be thankful for ALL that lies ahead of you each day. Face each task with enthusiasm since you never know if you’ll have another today. There are so many things to celebrate in life! Plus, it could be your last day on Earth and you want to make it a great one!
2. Focus on all that is good in your life.
Look around and take a survey of all that is good in your life. Take time to write in your gratitude journal about your favorite people, places, and things. Someday, you’ll enjoy looking back on your memories from this moment. Over time, your responses will change and it will make good reading to compare your favorites. Meanwhile, it will help you develop an attitude of gratitude that will serve you well today and everyday.
3. Enjoy a cozy, comfortable space.
Spend time relaxing in an area of your home where you feel safe, comfortable, and cozy. Be sure to maintain an area just for you where you can quietly reflect on your day. Even if it’s just ten minutes, make sure to feel everything good about your day.
4. Have a conversation with yourself about life.
Take a few minutes each day to have a conversation with yourself about something you need to reflect on, or something you feel the need to analyze. Or have a conversation about pros and cons related to a decision you need to make. Keep it light. Don’t let anxiety take over because anxiety never helped solve anything. Just have a simple conversation with you and your inner self!
5. Let go of the past and appreciate the now.
Holding on to the past only takes away from your JOY today. Let go of anger and fear. Let go of regrets and sorrows. Those feelings are unproductive today but have served you well in getting to this point in life. Appreciate all the feelings… all the emotions… and then let them go.
6. Grow in grace.
Celebrating life will bring you peace, comfort, and happiness each day. As these feelings grow, you will also grow in grace. You will learn to be more present, more mindful, and more appreciative. It will help you mature and gain more knowledge about living life well and self love. You will learn to see the many little blessings right in front of you that give you reason to celebrate life.
7. Let the child in you come out and play!
Walk in a puddle… sing in the sunshine… talk to the birds… play with the pets… chase a squirrel… ride a carousel… go to the park. You get the idea! Let your inner child come out. Laugh. Smile. Have a ball! Celebrate everyday!

8. Be courageous and explore things outside of your box.
Sometimes it’s difficult to step outside of your box but it can be so empowering! Travel farther than you usually travel alone. Eat alone at a busy restaurant. Buy a new (different) outfit and surprise everyone at work. You will be surprised how empowering it can be to think outside your box and see things from a different perspective!
9. Show up with a SMILE.
Show up with a SMILE. Always. Whether you feel like it or not. It makes everything better. And it makes everyday feel like a celebration. Act like everyday is a special day!
10. Listen to your true self.
Listen to your true self, evaluate your thoughts, and laugh, if necessary. When your sense of worry is acting up, or your logical self is being ridiculous, don’t let yourself become distracted by it. Ask whether you’re being dramatic or sensible. Ask whether these thoughts are real or imagined.
Know that your inner self is sending you important signals about something but you don’t need to stress about it or let it ruin your day. Laugh about it. Or say thank you, inner self! I’ll be sure to remember that! And remind yourself that you are on a mission to celebrate life every day so you’re not going to drive yourself crazy with inner drama!
11. Create a personal purpose statement.
Create a personal purpose statement that defines your life and live by it. This can change or it can remain the same. Each morning, you can decide if today’s purpose statement is your primary goal or do you need to change it up to accomplish something new. You’re heard the sentiment, “live with purpose.” Be sure to know your purpose everyday and focus on it.
12. Believe.
Believe that anything can happen. And anything will happen. Keep an open mind. Be open to whatever happens, happens. Remember, it’s all part of helping you become the person you are meant to be. Celebrate whatever happens.
13. Think BIG.
Think BIG! There is no time to think small in life. We have a finite time to get a lot accomplished and live a lot of life. There are places to go, people to love, things to do, flowers to smell, mountains to climb, and rivers to swim. Well, you get the idea, right?
14. Collect feel good stories.
Spend time looking through the news for feel good stories that highlight the wonderful acts of kindness people do in the world. Share those stories with people you meet during the day. SMILE about these stories that celebrate life and appreciate the goodness in our world.
15. Hang out with friends more often.
Hang with your friends more often and do what makes you all happy. Social health is as important as physical, mental, and spiritual health. Don’t let anyone take this away from you. In our fast-paced lives, we can easily let our friendships go by the wayside. Instead, make it a point of enjoying time with your friends. Find an occasion to celebrate with your friends!
Related Article: The Importance of Positive Social Interaction to Your Overall Health

16. Become an advocate for celebrating life.
Have a conversation with someone about ways that you celebrate life every day and why. Be an advocate for celebrating life every day. Talk about why you do it; and what you do. Talk about how it changes you and what it adds to your life. Help others look for ways to celebrate with you. Encourage them to find reasons to celebrate today and every day.
17. Be the example to others.
Encourage your friends to think about reasons to celebrate every day. Be the example who promotes positivity and smiles among your group of friends. Help them understand why it’s important to celebrate life. It will help all of you grow together and individually.
18. Appreciate your family.
Take time to enjoy each person in your family individually and note their unique qualities. Sometimes family members drive you crazy. Admit it. But usually it’s during times of stress and chaos when the crazy personality traits bother us more. STOP. Take time to appreciate and celebrate the CRAZY of each family member.
19. Move your body.
Exercise. It doesn’t have to be fanatical exercise. Just move. Stretch. Dance. Swim. Walk. Do what you can do. But get something in each day because it’s good for your mind, body, and soul. You can’t celebrate life every day if you aren’t at your best, right? Make this your time to celebrate yourself! Plus, you can encourage friends and family to join you!
20. Get outside.
Nature is a great gift that everyone should celebrate. There are endless opportunities for mindless exploration and relaxation in the beauty of nature. The mysteries alone have no bounds. There are so many little things to see and celebrate. Nature soothes the soul and heals the body. Celebrate life every day with the joy of getting outside in nature. Doing it with friends and family is even more fun!
21. Create your autobiography.
Live the autobiography that you want written about you! Do the things that you want people to say about you. Take the time to enjoy and celebrate life every day. Don’t get caught up in the chaos that can control your life. Focus on what you hope people say about you after you’re gone and LIVE THAT LIFE! You won’t have any regrets!
Related Article: 21+ Ways to Practice Emotional Self Care and Wellness

Favorite Celebrate Life Everyday Quotes
Here are some of my favorite and best quotes about celebrating life everyday! I hope they inspire you to think about the meaning of life and how you choose to live your life.
“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”
Abraham Lincoln
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
Oprah Winfrey
“Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.”
Ernest Hemingway
“If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costumes and come back as a new character… Would you slow down? Or speed up?”
Chuck Palahniuk
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow! What a Ride!’”
Hunter S Thompson
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul. And sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all.”
Emily Dickinson
“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.”
Helen Keller
“Just celebrate the life you had, not the life you could’ve had.”
Magic Johnson
“Live life when you have it. Life is a splendid gift — there is nothing small about it.”
Florence Nightingale
“Celebrate life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you.”
Sri Ravi Shankar
“Life has meaning only in the struggle. Triumph or defeat is in the hands of the Gods. So let us celebrate the struggle!”
Stevie Wonder
Final Thoughts about Celebrating Life Every Day
Even though there are many ups and downs in life, there are an abundance of reasons to celebrate everyday. You should celebrate who YOU are. Celebrate your family and friends. Celebrate the many little things and big things that make your life wonderful. Make sure you start focusing on an attitude of gratitude and you will enjoy greater happiness, peace, and joy. Good luck!
Love to ALL! ~Susan