119 Daily Mindfulness Affirmations to Improve Your Life
In this article, you will find 119 daily mindfulness affirmations that you can use as a good starting point for developing your mindfulness practices and creating positive changes in your life.
When you focus on the present moment and what’s happening around you, positive things begin to happen in your life. You gain clarity of mind, eliminate negative thoughts, and connect with your true self.
There are many benefits of mindfulness — mind, body, and soul. Using daily affirmations is one of many mindfulness techniques you can implement to become more mindful and present everyday.

What is Mindfulness?
Nowadays, it seems we spend a great amount of time multitasking, creating to-do lists, planning for the future, and thinking about what’s next. We tend to live rather stressful lives in this fast paced world and we forget to enjoy the present moment.
Psychology Today defines mindfulness as “living in the moment and being awake to the present,” This means we avoid thoughts about the past or anticipating the future. We focus on what’s right in front of us.
Mindfulness has two key aspects:
- Awareness: Awareness means you focus your attention on the present moment — the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and interactions with what’s right in front of you.
- Acceptance: Acceptance means that you observe these thoughts, feelings, sensations, and interactions without judgement or avoidance.
Mindfulness releases you from the responsibility and stress of multitasking. It allows you to enjoy the present moment and feel the inner peace and beauty of the moment.
Mindfulness gives you insight into your authentic self and helps you cultivate a balanced, happy life. A mindful person is able to focus on personal values, self love, positive thinking, and daily life instead of the busyness of the world.
Mindfulness allows you to calm your mind, focus on your breathing, and enjoy all the moments of your day with less stress.
When you are mindful, you engage all five of your senses in what’s going on around you — what you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch — the beauty of the entire universe. You make it a regular practice to notice the little things in life whether you are going for a walk, cleaning the house, or doing the grocery shopping.
Mindfulness can be cultivated through affirmations, as well as the miracle of mindfulness quotes, that help train your brain to stay focused on the present moment. Affirmations promote a calm, positive acceptance and appreciation of the present moment.

Daily Mindfulness Affirmations
Here you’ll find a wide range of positive affirmations about mindfulness. When used on a regular basis with intention, these positive statements will help your subconscious mind become more relaxed and routinely able to enjoy the present moment.
This list of affirmations can be modified to meet your individual needs, or used as written. You choose the positive phrases that resonate with you and then create your own affirmations list. Make time each day for your mindfulness exercises to help change your thought patterns and habits for a more peaceful and relaxed life.
- Today I celebrate the beauty of the world around me.
- I enjoy the sensation of the fresh air in my body with every deep breath.
- I celebrate every moment with joy and attention.
- I expect great things from life.
- I am doing my best at every moment.
- I remember to be here in the moment and be thankful.
- At this moment, I remember to be open to all that life brings.
- My mind and body are in harmony.
- I control my thoughts and choices.
- Goodness and happiness are mine at this moment.
- I allow my true self to emerge moment by moment.
- I trust myself to live my best life.
- I give kindness and compassion to myself.
- I live fully in this moment and do not worry about the future.
- Today is a glorious day..
- This moment of my life is perfect.
- I am more aware and alive at every moment.
- At this moment, I feel thankful for my purpose in life.
- I welcome my feelings without judgment.
- My life is always in the now.
- I am focused on what I can control.
- My time on Earth is limited and I want to be fully present in each moment.
- I feel content and happy.
- I have the power to change what does not serve me.
- I attract positivity and kindness.
- I see and feel the beauty in each moment.
- I focus on what I can control and let go of what I cannot.
- I have the power to overcome my doubts, worries, and fears.
- I allow myself to take things one moment at a time.
- I am grounded, centered, and stable.
- I know deep inner peace.
- This day is a gift, and I accept it with my full presence and undivided attention.
- I release worst case scenario thinking and choose to focus on this present moment.
- When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I allow myself to step back and breathe.
- I notice my thoughts and feelings without judgment or criticism.
- Everything I feel in this moment is exactly right.
- I take care of the future by taking care of the present moment.
- I release my worries and allow myself to find peace in life’s quiet moments.
- This moment is exactly as it’s meant to be.
- I am experiencing life through all of my senses.
- I allow myself to focus on completing one step at a time.
- I am rooted in this present moment.
- I am strong, steady, and grounded.
- I exist in this moment right now.
- I am grateful for the breath that flows through my lungs.
- My breath is my anchor.
- I am breathing energy into my body.
- I am noticing this peaceful moment and feeling content.
- I love and accept myself today and everyday.
- I am grateful to experience this moment.
- This challenging situation does not define my life.
- I feel peace in the present.
- I give my energy to what serves me right now.
- I move on from the past and embrace what today can give me.
- I celebrate being alive right now.
- This unique moment amazes me.
- I am taking time to breathe.
- I feel my body in this place.
- I am paying attention to my feelings.
- I am excited to experience this beautiful moment.

More Affirmations for Mindfulness
Use your affirmations for mindfulness to see long-term changes in your attitudes and actions. You’ll soon notice you have more peace of mind, joy, and time in your day. You will no longer have the stress of multitasking and trying to control everything around you. You’ll have more time to enjoy life.
- I value my source energy in this moment.
- I appreciate every quiet moment of my day.
- I feel the flow of the universe sending me joy.
- I release unhelpful thoughts in every moment.
- I celebrate my fun positive energy in this moment.
- I let go of my inner critic because it does me no good.
- I feel the stream of life flow through me in this moment.
- I receive positive messages from the universe every day.
- Good things come my way when I am open to the moment.
- I am noticing this peaceful moment and feeling content.
- I control my thoughts and choices.
- I am joyful to recognize how precious this moment is.
- This unique moment amazes me.
- This moment of my life is perfect.
- I see beauty and goodness all around me.
- Every day I bring more gratitude into my life.
- I am fully present.
- I do not have a negative mind because that is not useful to me or anyone else.
- This moment is the only reality; I will experience it fully.
- All is well in this moment.
- I am thankful for my senses; they show me the beautiful world.
- I take life one moment at a time.
- I am fully engaged in the present moment.
- I am grateful for this moment.
- At this moment, I have everything I need.
- I believe in myself more every moment.
- Goodness and happiness are mine at this moment.
- I feel my power and purpose grow stronger with every moment.
- take care of the future by taking care of the present moment.
- The entire universe is assisting me to feel good.
- I appreciate my feelings and allow myself to feel them.
- I notice my thoughts and feelings without judgment or criticism.
- This moment in my life is full of good things.
- I am thankful for each breath.
- I choose to exist right now.
- I am grounded.
- I release the pressure I put on myself.
- My mind and body are in harmony.
- This moment is full of opportunities.
- I will be mindful and aware of my body and space.
- I am growing my inner peace.
- I am taking time to breathe.
- I am happy to see this moment without judgment.
- I’m a vibrational match to all I desire.
- I am excited to experience this beautiful moment.
- My heart is grateful, and my mind is at peace.
- I am fully in the here and now.
- I allow myself to take things one moment at a time.
- I give my attention to each breath.
- I am grounded in calmness.
- I acknowledge how I feel, center myself, and choose my actions once the moment has passed.
- Life is good for me just the way I intended.
- I have nothing to worry about.
- I am joyfully unique.
- I welcome the chance to learn something new today.
- I allow my true self to emerge moment by moment.
- Now is the time when I am truly alive.
- I greet this moment with gratitude.
- I have gratitude for simple pleasures.

How to Use Mindfulness Affirmations
Choose your favorite affirmations and make a list of them. Set aside a time every day to say them aloud to yourself. You can even say them to yourself in a mirror so you see and hear them.
You can choose to read your whole list of mindfulness affirmations everyday, or you can choose to recite 2-3 at a time and change them every few days. Make sure the ones your choose are applicable and meaningful to you.
You can also write them in your journal as a way of seeing and feeling them. Reflect on them.
Make sure you are intentional with your affirmations and fully focused on your words and their meaning. Make them a part of your regular self-care routine.
Make sure you are relaxed and uninterrupted during your affirmation practice. You should have a comfortable place designated to do them.
You can write them on sticky notes and post them in strategic places so you can see them throughout your day. I always put them on my bathroom mirror, my kitchen cabinets, my car dashboard, and my office desk.

Final Thoughts about Mindfulness Affirmations
Daily mindfulness affirmations can help improve your mental health and overall wellness. You become more grounded and develop a more positive mindset.
It becomes second nature to let go of all fear and negative emotions, deal with stressful moments in positive ways, and enjoy positive thoughts about what’s happening around you.
These powerful words are a great tool for connecting with your best self, relaxing your mind, and enjoying each moment of your day. Your mindful affirmations can have a ripple effect on everything in your life.
So without delay, I encourage you to begin your affirmation practice right away and discover new ways of finding joy in every moment while developing a more positive mindset. Good luck!
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Love to ALL! ~ Susan
Do You Use Mindfulness Affirmations?
How have mindfulness affirmations impacted your life? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below:)