How to Make and Nurture True Friendship over 50
Making new friends after the age of 50 can be challenging, especially for older adults who may feel like they are stuck in their comfort zone. Nurturing your existing friendships can also be challenging because of new lifestyles and responsibilities that come with this stage of life. However, it is never too late to make new friends, nurture your friendships, and expand your social circle. With a little effort and an open mind, you can find interesting people who share your passions and hobbies.
In this article, we will explore the best ways to make and nurture true friendship over 50. You will find practical tips and advice about how to build meaningful connections with others in midlife and beyond. You’re in good hands, so let’s get started!

Key Takeaways
- It can be difficult to form friendships as middle-age and senior women because of changes in lifestyles and circumstances.
- With a little effort, you can make new friends after age 50 and develop deep connections and healthy relationships.
- It’s essential to have good friends at this stage of life so we must nurture both old and new friendships.
Finding Friendship over 50
Let’s start by emphasizing the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things, as well as recognizing the benefits of joining clubs and expanding your social circles. The role of technology can be important in making new friends also; you can use social media and other online platforms.
We want you to be equipped with the tools and knowledge you need to build strong and lasting relationships with interesting people. Afterall, many of us face new challenges with making friends after age 50 or so. Therefore, we need some great tips and support. You’re definitely not alone — I’m right there with you!

Here are some great tips to get you started with making and nurturing friendships in middle age and beyond:
1. Make Friends with Yourself First
Spend some time getting to know yourself again and then you’ll be able to recognize who you want to be friends with when you meet them. You can start by doing things that interest you and that you enjoy. Spend some time alone reflecting on your overall health, your current circle of friends, and how you would like to move forward with new and old friendships.
2. Ask yourself, Am I Lonely or Am I Depressed?
Many people with depression suffer from loneliness and social isolation and find it difficult to make new friends. If you think you may be suffering from depression, please seek help. Your mental health is very important at this stage of life. You will have more successful social connections if you address your needs first.
3. Turn Virtual Friends into Physical Friends
If you have online friendships in Facebook groups or another social networking site, try to turn them into physical friends by meeting them in person. You probably already feel comfortable with them so it could be a great experience for all of you. You can also join new online communities that share common interests and hobbies.
4. Reach Out to People in Your Own Neighborhood
You can meet new people by attending local events and social activities in your neighborhood. Initiate interactions when you meet a new neighbor. You can also volunteer with local organizations or join a local club in your community. Never turn down an invitation even if you feel some reluctance. You might be passing up a great opportunity to meet good friends who are close by.

5. Join a Book Club
Book clubs are a great way to meet new people and discuss interesting books. You can find book clubs at your local library or bookstore.
6. Join Your Local YMCA
Start attending a class regularly at your local YMCA. The YMCA offers a variety of classes. This is a great way to meet new people who share your interests. I met a great group of women at my local indoor pool while we all worked on our physical health. Then we joined exercise classes and spent more time together.
7. Visit Local Community Centers
Check with your local community centers to see what kind of activities they offer for women over 50. In my area, they offer art classes, trivia games, garden clubs, and even daily get-togethers where the ladies do arts and crafts in social groups. They also schedule events at supper clubs, and day trips to New York and Atlantic City. You’ll see familiar faces and meet local people you can stay in touch with. The close proximity to home will make transportation easy for all of you.
8. Go to a Local Church
Start going to a church in your community. Church is a great place to meet new people. Most churches have Bible study groups that you can join or even a women’s church group that does fundraisers and projects around the church. These will be like-minded people who have similar values to you.
9. Create a Neighborhood Walking Group
Invite neighbors to start walking with you. Become the leader of the pack by having conversation starters everyday — something new to talk about. This is a great first step to meeting your neighbors.
10. Check out Your Community College
Look for an educational environment where you can learn a new skill, a new hobby, or explore a new interest. Most community colleges offer free or low-cost classes for seniors. Take advantage of the learning opportunities while also meeting people with similar interests!

11. Connect with Family Members
Don’t forget about family members. You already have common ground with them and it’s an easy way to stay active and have a good time. Invite family members to do something with you, or schedule family get-togethers. Allow them to bring friends so you can meet new people.
12. Take Classes at your Local Hobby or Craft Store
Almost all craft stores offer crafting classes, so check your local area to see if you can find craft classes where you’ll meet others who have the same interests and hobbies. You could also check jewelry or bead stores and hobby shops for classes.
13. Invite Old and New Friends Over to Your Place
Reach out to friends you’ve lost touch with and invite them over for lunch. Enjoy a fun game of Uno or just chill in your living room together. Put on some music and relax. Your old friends and new friends will have a lot to talk about since they don’t know each other well. You could even create a seasonal or holiday charcuterie board. Last Memorial Day, I made a red, white, and blue charcuterie board for a small get-together of friends. It was fun!
14. Don’t Be Afraid to Say Yes to Invitations
If someone invites you to an event, don’t be afraid to say yes. This is a great way to meet new people and expand your social circle. Local groups of casual friends who gather for Bunco, wine tastings, or even lunch have lots of fun!
15. Be Open to New Experiences
Be open to trying new things and meeting new people everywhere you go. You don’t have to become best friends with everyone you meet, but you can keep your options open.
You might be surprised how far a smile will take you! It makes you more approachable and friendly so people will want to engage with you. A smile automatically puts people at ease. There are many benefits of smiling, including relieving stress, elevating mood, and boosting your immune system. Plus, you’ll find that smiling is contagious!
17. Check with Your Local Government
Your local government should have a Department of Aging and a Department of Parks and Recreation that offer social opportunities for middle-aged and senior women. Join groups and activities provided by these agencies. Have fun!

Nurturing Your Friendships over 50
Maintaining friendships is just as important as making new ones. Here are some tips on how to nurture your friendships, old and new, so they remain valuable and meaningful:
- Make time for your friends: Life can get busy, but it’s important to make time for your friends. Schedule regular get-togethers or phone calls to catch up and stay connected. Quality time is important.
- Be a good listener: Listening is an important part of any friendship. Make sure you take the time to listen to your friends and show that you care about what they have to say. Pay particular attention to shy people who may feel left out of the group.
- Be supportive: Friends are there to support each other through good times and bad. Be there for your friends when they need you, and they will be there for you when you need them.
- Be honest: Honesty is the foundation of any good friendship. Be honest with your friends, even if it’s difficult. They will appreciate your honesty and trust you more.
- Do things together: Shared experiences are a great way to strengthen friendships. Plan social events that you can do together, such as going to a movie, taking a class, or going to local museums.
- Celebrate milestones: Celebrate your friends’ milestones, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions. It’s a great way to show that you care and that you value your friendship.
- Forgive and forget: No one is perfect, and sometimes friends make mistakes. If your friend apologizes, forgive them and move on. Don’t hold grudges or dwell on the past. Holding on to grudges will put a serious wedge in your friend group.
- Be open to new friends: Just because you have a close group of friends doesn’t mean you can’t make new ones. Be open to meeting new people and expanding your social circle. Best friends are great, but there is value in other close friendships and casual friends, too.
- Stay in touch: Even if you don’t see your friends as often as you’d like, make sure you stay in touch. Don’t let a long time go by without letting your true friends hear from you. Send a text or an email to let them know you’re thinking about them. Call them and have an old-fashioned conversation! There’s nothing like small talk between two old friends!
- Be patient: Friendships take time and effort to develop. Be patient and don’t expect your friendships to be perfect. With time and effort, all of your friendships will grow and become more valuable and meaningful every day.
Remember, friendships are an important part of life, especially as we get older. We need friends who will be there for us, and with us, as our lives change. You don’t want to find yourself alone during a hard time, or when you have good news to share. You want to have your people surrounding you!
By following these tips, you can nurture your friendships and build strong and lasting relationships with the people you care about. And they will care about you, too!

Final Thoughts: Friendship over 50
Remember, making friends after the age of 50 may take time and effort. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t make friends right away. Keep working on it and you will find your people. Use the tips and resources in this article to develop a game plan and gain confidence. You may meet a new best friend or a gang of female friends who never leave you alone again!
Sending you hugs and wishes for great new connections in your future, as well as valuable old friendships.
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Love to ALL! ~ Susan