70 Inspirational Adult Bullying Quotes to Empower Victims

As a follow-up to my articles about workplace bullying and adult bullying, I want to provide some inspirational adult bullying quotes that will support and empower victims. If you are a victim, please read these quotes and reflect on them — they carry a lot of value.

I invite you to also take the time to read my other articles about dealing with an adult bully, workplace bullying, and stories of 23 victims who share their experience of survival. You’ll learn about forms of bullying and types of adult bullies, as well as a wealth of other information to help reduce any incidents of bullying in your personal or professional life.

As a victim of workplace bullying, I can empathize with you and share that you are NOT defined by a bully’s behavior.  These 70 bullying quotes will help you gain your power back! 

the back of two women who are holding on to each other, one with flowers in her hand.

Key Takeaways

  • You have the strength to rise above the cruelty of others; remember, their words do not define your worth.
  • Every challenge you face makes you stronger; bullying is a reflection of the bully’s weakness, not yours.
  • Surround yourself with people who uplift you, and never let the negativity of others dim your inner light.
  • Use the words of wisdom found in these adult bullying quotes to take back your power.

colorful yard sign that says be kind to promote anti-bullying behavior.

Adult Bullying Quotes to Empower Victims

Inspirational anti-bullying quotes play a crucial role in empowering individuals, some of whom suffer from low self-esteem due to bullying or constant criticism. These quotes offer hope and encouragement, reminding victims that they are not alone and that their worth is not defined by the hurtful actions of others.

By fostering resilience and self-belief, these powerful messages can help you rise above the negativity and reclaim your confidence, mental health, and sense of self-worth. Remember, you have the strength to rise above the bullying behaviors of others. 

1. “If they don’t like you for being yourself, be yourself even more.” — Taylor Swift

2. “The only way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them.” – Keisha Knight Pulliam

3. “One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized, and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.” — Michael J. Fox

4. “Just be yourself, there is no one better.” — Taylor Swift

5. “People say sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you, but that’s not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven’t forgotten.” — Demi Lovato

6. “Stop Bullying. No one deserves to feel worthless.” — Rebecca Black

7. “Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear.” — Taylor Swift

8. “Bullying is never fun, it’s a cruel and terrible thing to do to someone. If you are being bullied, it is not your fault. No one deserves to be bullied, ever.” – Raini Rodriguez

9. “Bullying is not just about physical violence, it’s also about psychological violence – the kind of violence that leaves scars on the soul.” – Julia Gillard

10. “Bullying is a learned behavior. It’s up to us to teach our children how to be kind and respectful to others.” – Caroline Kennedy

11. “You will always be criticized and teased and bullied for things that make you different, but usually those things will be what set you apart. The things that set you apart from the pack, the things that you once thought were your weaknesses will someday become your strengths.” – Taylor Swift

12. “Often, the right path is the one that may be hardest for you to follow. But the hard path is also the one that will make you grow as a human being.” – Karen Mueller Coombs

13. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

14. “People talk about bullying, but you can be your own bully in some ways. You can be the person who is standing in the way of your success, and that was the case for me.” — Katy Perry

15. “Each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of happiness. No one deserves to be bullied.” — Barack Obama

16. “We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether in private or public life, but we despise no less the coward and the voluptuary. No man is worth calling a man who will not fight rather than submit to infamy or see those that are dear to him suffer wrong.”  Theodore Roosevelt

17. “When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.” —- Chris Colfer

18. “Don’t you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are.” — Lady Gaga

19. “It’s important to stand up to all forms of bullying, and it’s even more important for those who are around you to be just as courageous and stand with you!” — Normani Kordei

20. “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” — Harvey Fierstein

21. “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim.” — Tim Field

22. “I’ve realized that you become a bully if you are just watching someone get bullied and you don’t say anything. Speak up!” — Emma Roberts

23. “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. When we see others as the enemy, we risk becoming what we hate. When we oppress others, we end up oppressing ourselves.” — Desmond Tutu

24. “If people are trying to bring you down, it only means you are above them.” — Bella Thorne

25. “I wore goofy hats to school and did musical theater. Most people thought I was a dork. But if you have a sense of humor about it, no one can bring you down.” — Zac Efron

plush teddy bear laying next to a small chalkboard that says stop bullying.

Adult Bullying Quotes About the Bully

These anti-bullying quotes that focus on the bully often highlight the underlying issues that drive such behavior. They remind us that weak people may resort to bullying as a misguided attempt to assert control or mask their own insecurities. 

These quotes also shed light on the fine line between childhood bullying and adult bullying, where immature actions can manifest as adult temper tantrums. Victims of adult bullying can find solace in these messages, understanding that the bully’s actions reflect their own struggles rather than the victim’s worth.

Remember, insecure people are bullies; don’t let them dull your inner light. 

26. “The way we treat people we don’t understand is a report card on what we’ve learned about love, compassion, and kindness.” — Marc Chernoff

27. “If they do it often, it isn’t a mistake. It’s just their behavior.” — Steve Maraboli

28. “Let negative people live their negative lives with their negative minds.” — Moosa Rahat

29. “We explain when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you do not stoop to their level. Our motto is when they go low, you go high.” –- Michelle Obama

30. “Bullying is a cowardly act. It’s easy to bully someone when they aren’t looking or when they can’t fight back.” — Ronda Rousey

31. “No one heals himself by wounding another.” — St. Ambrose

32. “Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It’s a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment.” — Zack W. Van

33. “The way we treat people we don’t understand is a report card on what we’ve learned about love, compassion, and kindness.” — Marc Chernoff

34. “I realized that bullying never has to do with you. It’s the bully who’s insecure.” — Shay Mitchell

35. “Cyberbullies can hide behind a mask of namelessness online and do not need direct physical admittance to their victims to do unimaginable harm.” –- Anna Maria Chávez

36. “If you’re insulting people on the internet, you must be ugly on the inside.” –- Phil Lester

37. “Bullies are cruel and possibly irretrievable, but their anger and bullying behavior is often a displacement of their own lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. Mostly, they are lost souls who do not know how to feel comfortable in the world. Their experience has been of failure, rejection, and lack of ability to function well.” –- Keith Sullivan, Mark Cleary, and Ginny Sullivan

38. “Unless and until our society recognizes cyberbullying for what it is, the suffering of thousands of silent victims will continue.” –- Anna Maria Chávez

39. “See bullies for who they really are. Anger and aggression come from unexpressed hurt and pain… Think about what could be going on behind the scenes. Perhaps their parents divorced recently, they have a bully of their own, or they’ve been abused. Understanding this will help you rise above it.” –- Jerry Weichman

40. “If bullies actually believe that somebody loves them and believes in them, they will love themselves, they will become better people, and many will even become saviors to the bullied.” –- Dan Pearce

41. “I would rather be a little nobody than to be an evil somebody.” –- Abraham Lincoln

42. “Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.” — Benjamin Disraeli

43. “You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” — Joel Osteen

44. “Life is a fight, but not everyone’s a fighter. Otherwise, bullies would be an endangered species.” — Andrew Vachss

Be kind to one another quote with three little hearts and some wheat.

Anti-Bullying Slogans to Emphasize the Brighter Side of Life

Life can be difficult enough without having to deal with the effects of bullying. No one should be a victim of emotional abuse, situations of injustice, domestic violence, cyber bullying, physical bullying,  silent treatment, passive aggression, or bad behavior that demoralizes another human being.

A lot of people don’t realize that bullying comes in so many forms — especially adult bullying.  Be prepared to identify bullying and take appropriate action. 

Meanwhile, use these anti-bullying slogans to focus on the brighter side of life and take back your power!  Share these slogans on social media, in text messages and notes to friends in order to help stomp out universal bullying!   

45. “Leave the room a happier place than you found it.”

46. “Know the limits of the joke.”

47. “Bullying is Harassment. It’s Simple.”

48. “Your words and actions follow you for life.”

49. “Share the light, make everything right.”

50. “Good vibes we send, when bullying we end.”

51. “The power of one can get so much done.”

52. “With love and respect, we connect.”

53. “Friendship’s glow defeats every foe.”

54. “Hate divides, but love provides.”

55. “Unity’s dance gives everyone a chance.”

56. “Love’s glow makes all hearts grow.”

57. “Together we soar when bullying’s no more.”

58. “Civility is key to set our spirits free.”

59. “A loving heart is where all good things start.”

60. “Hand in hand together we stand.”

61. “Lift up, don’t tear down. Spread SMILES all around.”

62. “Choose words that heal, not words that steal.”

63. “Be an upstander, not a bystander.”

64. “Be a buddy, not a bully.”

65. “Bully Free Starts with me.”

66. “Smother a bully with kindness.”

67. “Kindness is one size fits all.”

68. “A bully is a coward. A friend is a hero.”

69. “Silence Hurts. Speak up when you see HATE.”

70. “Ask yourself every day: How can I be a better friend?”

a petite female hand touches the underneath of an orange flower where a butterfly sits.

Final Thoughts about Adult Bullying

There are many types of bullying that can negatively impact your mental health and overall happiness. Please do not give bullies permission to bring you down and take away your joy.  Use these 70 adult bullying quotes to empower yourself and move forward with a positive mindset. 

And don’t forget to read these other articles about bullying here on Sassy Sister Stuff: 

Love to ALL! ~ Susan

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