17 Meditation Room Essentials for a Truly Calming Space
Not too long ago, I wrote an article about how to create a Calming Corner and Emotional Escape Room. Now I’m going to explore a slight variation on that concept — a Meditation Room. In this article, you’ll learn how to create a meditation area in your home, plus all the meditation room essentials you’ll need for a truly calming space.
Sassy Sister Stuff offers many ideas for personal wellness and self-care. The concept of a meditation room, meditation area, or meditation space — whatever you want to call it — is yet another great idea to help you live your best life.
Be sure to also learn about how a Calming Corner and Emotional Escape Space can help you and your loved ones live a better life. Furthermore, if you have learned about the slow living movement, you’ll probably realize that a meditation space fits nicely into that lifestyle.
So let’s move forward with the 21 meditation room essentials. I’m so glad you’re here.

Meditation Room Essentials: What to Know
Your home should be a place for calm and relaxation that carries you away from the crazy world outside. You should surround yourself with items you love, colors that give you pleasure, and family memories.
But sometimes your home can get a little crazy too, right?
This is why it’s great to set aside a special corner, or even better, a room you can completely devote to your self-care and meditation. Meditation can be a great way to refocus your energy, calm your breathing, and clear your mind.
Your meditation practice can be enhanced even further if you have a comfortable, quiet setting with thoughtful design details that is associated with nothing but your peace of mind.
If you are able to create a comfortable meditation room at home, you’ll find that you are also more consistent with your meditation plan. Even a small meditation corner will be better than nothing.
Plus, creating a meditation space is a great DIY project that is fun in itself or with your partner! So let’s get started!

What Do You Need for a Meditation Room?
Creating a meditation space in your home can be easier than you might think. It can be the corner of a room, or a small space in the basement. It can even be in a closet if that’s what works best for you.
Although I didn’t know anything about meditation when I was a child, I created the equivalent of a meditation space in the closet of my bedroom when I was a young teen.
Although meditation remains difficult for me (my mind never shuts down), I have always reflected on life and often needed time alone to process everything going on around me.
I created two comfy spaces in my bedroom over the years of my childhood. Around age 10, I created a space in the corner on the far side of my bed in front of my nightstand, and as a young teen I cleared out the floor of my closet and spent time there thinking and processing.
You can do the same. Get creative with your ideas and start by finding a space in your home that you can use for meditation. Determine how much space you will need to feel comfortable while you do your meditation and find the right space.
What is a Good Color for a Meditation Room?
Soft colors are good for a meditation area. While you may be a fan of bright, bold colors in some spaces, this is an area where you will not want to be visually stimulated.
Although you will likely have your eyes closed, you’ll still want soft colors for your space so it aligns with your purpose of CALM. Pastels and neutrals are easier on your brain, as well as earthy colors.
So while you are DIYing for meditation room essentials, keep your eye out for pillows, cushions, blankets, candles, and other accessories that will suit your space and personality in soft shades.

Meditation Room Supplies
1. Incense or Essential Oils: Depending on what you prefer for a scent, you can choose diffuser reeds, incense, essentials oils, or even candles. In a small space, I especially love diffuser reeds because the scent will be milder.
But there are so many things to choose from for scent — have fun with it! Just be sure to choose an essential oil that is calming (because I actually become hyper with some oils).
2. Soft Light (candles, fairy lights, etc.): Depending on what you choose for a mild scent, you will also want to have some soft light. I love fairy lights, but I also love candles. If you’re using some kind of scent, you’ll want to be sure to choose unscented candles.
3. Comfortable Cushion (chair, mat, etc.): There is an amazingly wide range of items you can choose for this category of meditation room essentials. There are even special meditation chairs and meditation cushions specifically for this purpose. You’ll want something comfortable to sit on, or snuggle into. There are ottomans, large pillows, cushions, beanbag chairs… look around and check your options before making a decision.
4. Floor Covering: Be sure to choose something that is soft and warm on your feet. Even if there is already carpet on the floor, find a fluffy fur rug you can put on the floor to match the mood of your space.
5. Sound (music, nature sounds, etc.): You have many options to choose from for this category of meditation room essentials, too. My massage therapist uses her cell phone to stream music into the massage room on a small portable speaker.
You might want to choose a piece of table art that has running water flowing over rocks. Look around and choose something that suits your personality and nature. Or you may also want to consider a white noise machine.
6. Nature (via a window, if possible): Natural sunlight is an awesome addition to your meditation space if you have it. It’s awesome if your space has a window that overlooks natural trees, shrubs, and flowers. But if this isn’t possible, you may want to consider adding some artwork of wildlife or nature to your space.
7. Visual Elements (minimal decor that you LOVE): This is where you need to choose WHAT YOU LOVE to make it your personal space. This is about you, and for you.
Therefore, choose things that represent your desire for peace and tranquility. Are you a Buddha type of gal? Find a Buddha statue that you would love to include in your space.
8. Stones or Crystals: Depending on your spirituality and beliefs, you may want to choose to have calming stones or crystals in your meditation space. I use a variety of natural calming stones that help me get through difficult times. I rub them and even carry them in my pockets with me sometimes. So I will put stones in my meditation space.
9. Inspirational Quotes: This is something that means a lot to me. I have always found great joy in inspirational quotes and use them to get grounded with my thoughts. You can choose to get a few of your favorite inspirational quotes and have display them in your space, or you can get a handful of pocket quote cards to keep in your space for inspiration.
10. Blanket or Throw: This meditation room essential is for comfort, as well as mood. There is nothing quite like having a favorite blanket or throw that is soft and cozy by your side. Even if you don’t use it for cover, make sure you have one in case you need it.
11. Greenery (dish garden, bamboo, etc.): Green plants are wonderfully calming and are a great meditation room essential. Even in a small space, you can include small succulents or a small bonsai plant to help set the mood. It’s even better if you have room for a dish garden, hanging baskets, or ferns.
12. Water: You need to stay hydrated while you meditate, so be sure to have a place for fresh water. Buy yourself a cut decanter or pitcher and fill it with ice water when you are getting ready to spend time in your meditation space. Grab a cool glass and sit them near you for refreshment.
13. Himalayan Salt Lamp: This is a personal preference of mine. I have two of them and have always thought they have a great impact on my mood. There is something soothing about them. I even keep one on the nightstand next to my bed.
14. Eye Mask: Truthfully, I’m not a fan of eye masks but they can be beneficial for meditating, especially if there is visual stimulation nearby. Give it a try and let me know your thoughts!
15. Doorhanger (or divider): You’ll want to have a way that people in the house know you are in your meditation space, so they DO NOT bother you. Get a sign that you can hang on the doorknob to let them know you are meditating.
Alternately, if you are using space that doesn’t have a door, try to get a standing divider that you can use to section off your space when you are meditating.
16. Zen Garden: This is something I absolutely love when I am trying to relax. You can choose a small tray and add sand to it, then add Zen tools (different sizes of rakes, polished stones, a mini-pagoda, etc.) This is another essential that sets the mood and gives you something to enjoy after your meditation.
17. Guided Meditation Scripts: This is something you make not usually need, but I suggest having some guided meditation scripts available for times when your brain is tired and you are weak. You’ll appreciate the words on the script because they help you stay focused at a time when your brain doesn’t want to cooperate.
A great kinesthetic alternative to a Zen Garden would a Kinetic Sand box and tools if you prefer not to purchase Zen products.

Related Article: 10 Simple Ways to Find Your Zen in the Chaos of Life
Final Thoughts: Meditation Room Essentials
Even though I’ve listed 16 meditation room essentials, when it comes to cultivating a space for quiet meditation, less is more. Don’t go overboard with decorations and things. Consider the size of the space and your personal likes. And create your DIY project from a mindset of minimalism.
And if you are not completely comfortable with the practice of meditation yet, check out this article at Healthline.org about nine types of meditation.
In conclusion, cultivating a meditation room or space in your home is a great way to practice mindfulness and reap the benefits of meditation. By having all of the essentials on hand, you can make your space feel comfortable and inviting, and help you to settle into a great self-care routine.
Love to All! ~ Susan
Do You Have a Meditation Space in Your Home?
Are you going to make a meditation space? It would be a fun DIY project!
Share your ideas in the comments:)