50 Powerful Affirmations for Self Love
In this article, I will share 50 powerful affirmations for self love to help you rediscover your confidence, worth, acceptance, and happiness again.
We all face challenging times when we doubt our confidence and self-worth. You are not alone. However, these 50 powerful affirmations of self love will help you feel empowered again so you can confidently continue your journey toward becoming the person you are meant to become!
Don’t delay! Choose your favorite affirmations and make a daily calendar or list of those that speak to you the most. Then start saying them aloud every day so your mind will BELIEVE again and you will regain your strength to overcome your doubts and fears.
Or, save this article and read the entire list of 50 powerful affirmations for self-love everyday!
These self loving affirmations are just what you need if you are struggling with confidence, worth, acceptance, and/or happiness. Speak to yourself gently and kindly as you say these 50 powerful affirmations for self love.
Make these daily affirmations for self love a habit in your self care practice and you will be a new person in no time! Commit to make a change in your life by living a happier, more comfortable and cozy life!
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50 Powerful Affirmations for Self Love
Self love affirmations are “I” statements that promote confidence, self-worth, self-acceptance, happiness and much more. You repeat them daily, and with feeling. And you will have a shift in mindset that can change your life.
According to the Huffington Post, “Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement because of their ability to rewire our brains. Much like exercise, they raise the level of feel-good hormones and push our brains to form new clusters of “positive thought” neurons.
“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.”
So let’s get started with 50 power affirmations for self love that will help you become the person you want to become, and are meant to be!
Another article you may enjoy is 101 Growth Mindset Phrases to Ponder for your encouragement, self-confidence, positivity, and personal growth.
(Although these affirmations are divided into 5 sections, they are ALL valuable and address the main concept of self-improvement and self-love. I have written most of them based on my own life-experience and inspirational messages that touch my heart and speak to me.)
Self Worth Affirmations
I am doing my best everyday and it doesn’t matter what others think or say.
I feel good about being my unique self and can smile in the face of difference.
I have special talents and gifts that make me special, and I cherish those talents and gifts.
Yesterday may not have been a good day but I will make today a great day because I am worthy.
I am worthy of the amazing opportunities that are out there for me in every aspect of my life.
I know that there are no such things as problems, only opportunities, and I will look for those opportunities.
I am courageous and willing to act in spite of my doubts and fears.
I am capable of making my own choices and decisions today and always.
I will share my thoughts and opinions honestly because they are valuable.
I love myself more each day because I am unique and worthy of love.
Positive Affirmations for Self Love
I love myself and accept myself for exactly who I am.
I love the person that I have become.
I value myself enough to practice regular self care and self love habits every day.
I create boundaries to protect myself because it is healthy and good for me.
I start each day with a grateful heart.
I rise like the sun and continue to shine all day.
I maintain an attitude of abundance and gratitude each day.
Loving myself is the greatest gift I can give to me, and those around me.
I love myself – mind, body, and soul – and will graciously share my love with others.
I accept love from myself and others today and always.

and love for self and others. ~Susan Ballinger, Sassy Sister Stuff
Affirmations for Self Esteem and Confidence
I can make mistakes without worry because I learn from them.
I can achieve my goals and dreams because I work hard and have a positive attitude.
I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and experience I have obtained in life so far.
I smile in the face of adversity because I know I will survive.
I believe in myself and my abilities to succeed in life.
I radiate self-confidence through my positive attitude and smile.
I have great potential within my soul and love my highest self.
I have the confidence to release anything that does not serve me well.
I make a difference by showing up every day and doing my best.
I let go of limiting beliefs and trust in every aspect of myself.
Affirmations for Acceptance (Accepting Yourself)
I am positive and optimistic so I trust that things will always work out for me.
I believe in myself and recognize many great qualities I have to share with others.
Today I let go of all negative thoughts and feelings about myself.
I respect myself deeply and have much to offer the world.
I treat myself with the same acceptance and kindness that I treat others.
What I think of myself is much more important than what others think.
I free myself from past mistakes and move forward with love.
I am grateful for my personal journey and all that I learn along the way.
I accept all of me with love, flaws and all.
I am a lovely work in progress just like everyone else.
Related Article: Why Is Personal Development Important?
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Affirmations for Happiness and Joy
I am in charge of my own happiness and today I choose joy.
I accept 100% responsibility for my own happiness and choose to be happy.
Tiny miracles are taking place in my life everyday and I value them.
My smile can light up a room and give someone else hope.
All things – big and little – have the potential to bring me joy so I will keep my eyes and heart open.
I create the life I desire with my positive attitude and good feelings.
When I am happy, I manifest more reasons to be happy.
Happiness is my true nature and I happily share that feeling with others.
I accept and welcome all things that bring joy to my life.
When I embrace joy, everything else falls into place just as it should.
Related Article: 21 Easy-Peasy Ways to Make Today a Great Day

Self Loving Affirmations to Change Your Mindset
It’s very important to remember that your mind believes what you tell it. If you tell it something good, you are shaping your mind in a positive way that will have a positive impact on your thoughts, behaviors, attitude, and mindset. Over time, you will believe it in your heart and it will impact your whole LIFE in a positive way.
Even the most simple affirmation for self love can make a big difference in your life. It helps you learn to love yourself and be free of doubts and fears that hinder your happiness in life.
If you tell you it something bad, you will get the opposite result. (And none of us want that, right?)
So say these self loving affirmations to yourself regularly to ensure you are living your BEST LIFE with confidence and happiness! You are worthy of a wonderful life of self-acceptance, love, and joy.
For more self love and self care affirmations, check out this article about affirmations for good sleep.
Final Thoughts | 50 Powerful Affirmations for Self Love
These 50 powerful affirmations of self love should be said with passion and feeling each day. Some people like to look in the mirror as they are saying them.
Others like to say them first thing when they wake up, and right before they go to sleep. Or maybe even both! It’s important to repeat them often.
I like to print them on Post-It notes and leave them in places where I see them throughout my day. That way, I can STOP and say them aloud frequently and it helps make feel grounded in the fact that I am making a positive difference in my life.
And daily affirmations for self love are FREE, my friends! Affirmations should be a regular part of your daily self care routine!
Just be sure to focus your thoughts on the affirmation as you are saying it. And say it out loud in a loving, passionate way that makes you SMILE.

Now go back and look over the affirmations again and select your favorites. Will positive affirmations for self esteem and confidence help you the most? Or, affirmations of self love and healing? Or maybe you need affirmations about self worth?
What do you need right now to shift your mindset in a more positive direction in order to live a happier, more cozy lifestyle?
Which self-love affirmations speak to you the most? Which positive statements do you feel in your heart?
These affirmations will help you lean into the self love movement and begin to change your mindset to one of confidence, joy, happiness, and peace.
Start working with your favorite affirmations and then choose others as you feel your mindset shifting over time toward a more confident, happy, accepting, and worthy person. Good luck! You got this!
Love to All! ~ Susan