10 Important Reflection Questions to Ask Yourself at the End of the Year
In this article, you will find 10 important reflection questions to ask yourself at the end of the year to help you set goals and intentions for the new year. At the end of any year, it is important to reflect on the previous 12-months of your life to help you set you plan for the new year. You really can’t plan ahead effectively without looking back in self-reflection.
These reflection questions to ask yourself will guide you to set priorities and goals that will help you live your best life through all stages of life. They can also help you with Bucket List ideas for the new year!

Over time, think about the people in your life, the important things in your life, and what’s going on in the world around you — to help you answer questions about yourself and your perspective about the world around you. This will help you develop your intentions and goals for the new year!
In fact, you can use reflections questions and journal prompts to help you develop in just about any area of personal growth and development. If you haven’t tried journaling, you may want to do so on a regular basis. It’s a highly effective tool for personal growth.
Now let’s take a look at these 10 important reflection questions to ask yourself at the end of the year in preparation for a brand new year!
10 Important Reflection Questions to Ask Yourself at the End of the Year
Everyone’s end of the year reflection will look different. You may want to write down your answers in a journal, or you may want to reflect on the questions quietly in your mind and take notes. You may even want to talk about these thought provoking questions with a group of friends. There is no right or wrong way to do your self-reflection — as long as you do it.
It’s a great mindfulness activity that will help you focus on your growth, gratitude, and personal needs. Your self-reflection should be a very honest and valuable part of your personal development and self care routine. Again, it should guide your intentions and goals for the new year.
You can get started with these 10 reflection questions to ask yourself at the end of the year as a way to move forward with your continued personal growth journey in the new year. They are excellent self discovery questions. Be sure to take your time and reflect deeply on your answers to the questions.

If you are interested in learning more about your self-discovery journey for personal growth and wellness, I suggest you read 87 Self-Reflection Questions for Introspection [+Exercises] from Positive Psychology. It includes extensive exercises for exploring WHO you really are and WHAT is most important to you. Then you can use your answers to create goals for your future.
For now, here are 10 reflection questions to ask yourself to get you started!
1. What is something you did this year that you will remember for the rest of your life and why?
2. What challenges did you overcome this year and what did you learn from them?
3. What new habits did you start this year and do you plan to continue to work on them next year? Why or why not?
4. What person, or people, have made the biggest impact on your life this year and why?
5. What did you learn about yourself this year and how will you use this information in the future?
6. What are some things you accomplished this year that you are particularly proud of?
7. What new skills did you learn this year and how will you use these skills in the new year?
8. What is something you would do differently if you had a chance to do it over again in the future?
9. How did you use gratitude this year to improve your life (and the world around you) and how will you continue to do so?
10. Was this past year mostly a good year or a bad year? Why? What do you need to change to make next year a better year?
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What Is Self-Reflection?
Self-reflection is the process of bringing attention to the way you think about what’s happening in your life, the way you react to what’s happening, and your overall mindset toward life. The goal of self-reflection is to develop an attitude of gratitude, a mindset of positivity, and self awareness. These qualities are important for a happy, healthy life!
Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of your own character, feelings, motives, and desires. It’s a powerful tool that helps you set and achieve goals, make good decisions, improve your relationships, and cultivate a sense of inner peace.
Self-awareness and self-reflection are both awesome strategies for connecting with your highest, inner-most self.

Why is Self-Reflection Important?
Self-reflection is an important companion of self-awareness. It allows you to think about your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors in a deep way that allows you to make intentional changes and plans.
In addition to reflecting on your life at the end of each year, everyone can benefit from consistent self-reflection throughout the year. You can use self-reflection journal prompts or deep questions to write about your reflections daily, or weekly. But you should be reflecting on your goals and progress in life consistently.
If you get in the habit of regularly taking time for questions to ask yourself, it will help you discover a greater awareness and connection with yourself. You will be able to respond to situations in a more positive manner and develop a mindset of calm and confidence.

Final Thoughts: Questions to Ask Yourself at the End of the Year
Traditionally, we make “New Year Resolutions” at the beginning of every new year. But sometimes that’s not so effective because we forget those resolutions within the first month.
But if you develop a growth mindset and a self-care practice that includes daily journaling for self-reflection, you will learn to LIVE a healthier, happier life with intention (rather than resolutions). Living with intention will give you a greater chance of living the life you want to live and being the person you want to be.
These 10 questions to ask yourself at the end of the year will provide you with valuable information as you reflect on the past 12-months and plan for the new year. Your reflective answers will help you with your self-care practice, your bucket list ideas, your self-improvement plans, your self-awareness, your happiness, your relationships, and so much more.
Don’t waste time creating new year resolutions — instead, reflect on these questions to ask yourself and set your intentions for the new year so you can start changing your life forever!
Love to All! ~ Susan
10 Important Reflection Questions to Ask Yourself at the End of the Year | Have You Set Goals and Intentions for the New Year?